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Active Aekar Variel


Lord of Altera
Aekar Variel

Aekar Variel
Full Titles:
None so far.

Age: He is knows he is 22 years old
Social Status: Aekar is unconcerned with Social Status, He is aware of who to speak to with a degree of respect and those with familiarity
Height: Aekar stands at six feet and two inches
Weight: Aekar is a around 180lbs
Date of Birth: 26th of Ghostmoon, 2287
Homeland: Central Forests, Eastern Kingdoms
Current Home: Transitory

What he looks like:
Build: Aekar is of a medium, almost athletic build, his left breast pushes out from using a a bow his entire life. Aekars wrists are thick, looking out of place from his medium sized hands
Hair: A twiggy mass of Black hair, unkempt to the point it is tangled within itself unless Aekar washes
Eyes: Aekars Eyes are a dark Green, almost verging on Black
Skin: A windburnt white
Identifying Features: Both sides of Aekars Cheeks are pock marked by the kiss of an ailment he only knew as "The Groves Sickness". This disfiguration leads up to his right temple
Appearance: Had he had different circumstances, he would of being handsome but he is plain down, the scarring on his face and his body shape makes him seem plain to most. He does however give off an air of confidence when he has to
Hygiene: If there is time to wash, Aekar will wash
Voice: Osferth

+ Warfare
+ Everyday -
Aekar wears a simple Forest Elven outfit, something that would not seem out of place within a grove or a forest.

+A Crude but effective Bow that he stole from a sleeping Woodsman

Trinkets and Keepsakes:

Aekar is rather keen minded. A good tutor could hone his talents
Profession: Traveller, Formerly his Groves servant for their groves Healer, his mother. After her death, Aekar became the Groves very inexperienced Medicine Man
Personality and Traits:
Aekar is a shy soul, he tends to try to avoid loud places or overly busy places unless he has a burst of confidence
Owing to his time as a Medicine Man, Aekar has a great deal of time for people and activities

Starved of attention when he was young due to absentee parents in the form of a Hunter father and a busy Healer mother. Aekar will implicitly trust people who eventually gain his trust
Aekar's love for the wild and its creatures has dwindled with the death of his Grove, leaving his cynical about the world
Aekar is disfigured, his face is scarred and pocked from a Plague
Mediocre Medicine Man
Aekar is a rather mediocre Medicine Man, having not had much training
Homely and Quick and Hale
Aekar is a plain man with a sharp mind and a strong enough body to thrive in the Alteran world

- 1
Mind - 1
Soul - 1

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