Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alt Char- Holly Caetani


Lord of Altera
edits in italics bc i don't wanna mess with code

General Information:

Name: Holly Caetani
Other Names: None
Titles: Caparii

Age: 18 (happy birthday lil bitch)
Race: Caparii
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Current Residence: None-
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: Commoner

Physical Appearance:

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140lbs
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Pale
Shape of Face: Very slim and angled
Distinguishing Features: None really, she's hard to pick out of a crowd
Build of Body: Lean, but not too weak.
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Style: Down past her back, bangs pushed to the side always.
Complexion: Clear skin, rosy cheeks.
Posture: Almost always hunched over.
Is Seen By Others As: Slightly serious, naiive.
Scars: None


Likes: Cats, muted colors, water.
Dislikes: Loud noises, when people take advantage of her, neons.
Strengths: She's fast, and can get places quietly. Most of the time.
Weaknesses: Innocent, naiive.
Fears: Flashing lights, birds.
Values: Honesty.
Education: Book smart, not street smart. She knows how to read and such, just not how to deal with anything a book won't teach her.
Languages: Common, Fae
General Attitude: Pretty outgoing, though isn't one to take any BS. Can't tell when it's being taken, though.
Religious Inclination: Sallana
General Intelligence: Not too bright, but she tries her hardest.
General Sociability: Too friendly.
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Short Term Goals:
Make enough money to get a house
Become the drunkest one in the tavern at any given time.

Long Term Goals:
Make some friends
Get married


Wardrobe: A muted blue dress, some black flats.
Jewelry: None

Pets/Animals: Nope

Owned Homes: A beautiful home in Sanardu with her sister.

Carried Inventory: Some bread
General Inventory: Bread, a notebook, and some charcoal.

General Wealth: She poor as hell.


Illnesses: ADD, paranoia.
Allergies: None known
Injuries: Nope
Sleeping Habits: Sleeps too much.
Energy Levels: A bit low.
Eating Habits: Eats as healthy as she can.
Exercise Habits: Walks a lot.
Memory: Can remember important things, but otherwise doesn't remember much.
Unhealthy Habits: Cries when she's stressed, listens to everything everyone tells her.
Drinking Habits: Almost always drinking.

i don't feel like doing her history
it'll happen i swear


Peaceful or violent: Moderate

Weaponry: None yet

Combat Training: None

Training & Skills:

That's about it.

Other Trivia:

Occupation: None atm
Favorite Types of Food: Vegetables
Favorite Types of Drink: Rum
Hobbies/Pastimes: Painting, drawing.
Favorite Colors: Blue, green.


Relevant Family Members: ( Solar ) Phemaia- Sister
Romantic Interests:
Trusted Friends:
Friendly With:
Loose Acquaintances:
Disfavored Individuals:
Wary Of: A girl named Ayleth... Heard she was harrassing Phemaia.
Indifferent: Arianne- We haven't spoken in quite some time. I'm sorry I've grown distant.

played on NaruOsaka


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