Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Altera Z


Lord of Altera
THUNK. . . THUNK. . . THUNK. . .
Vortigern sighed. Time was slow. Nothing to do. . .
THUNK. . . THUNK. . . THUNK. . .
He wished the grandfather clock would just silence itself.
THUNK. . . THUNK. . . THUNK. . .
Vortigern stood.
THUNK. . . THUNK. . . THUNK. . .
A chiming sound revonated throughout the room. One o'clock. Night.
THUNK. . . TH-
Crash. The grandfather fell down, the glass cracking. Vortigern drew his sword, and prepared himself to fight the swarms of the creatures. . . The grandfather clock was the only thing stopping them from barging through the door. And now it's gone. He could hear the mindless stumbling, yelling and groaning from the creatures. . .

Three minutes later, screams of agony sounded from the house. No-one cared. All they cared about was saving themselves.

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