Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alteran Emergency Meeting of Leaders (and whoever is informed and tags along)


Lord of Altera
To the hosts of the summit,

Due to unforeseen circumstances House Aeyeras will not be able to participate in the emergency summit in Hound-ru.
However since we recognize the importance of this meeting we humbly request a written summary being sent to us.

Kingdom of Hierax
- Bolvar Firestorm-Aeyeras
Master of Justice

((Sorry got to turn in a 5 page paper on by thuesday 15:00 and have trouble getting past the cover ><)


Lord of Altera
To the hosts of the summit,

Due to unforeseen circumstances House Aeyeras will not be able to participate in the emergency summit in Hound-ru.
However since we recognize the importance of this meeting we humbly request a written summary being sent to us.

Kingdom of Hierax
- Bolvar Firestorm-Aeyeras
Master of Justice

((Sorry got to turn in a 5 page paper on by thuesday 15:00 and have trouble getting past the cover ><)
Gowork :)


Retired Staff
To the hosts of the summit,

Due to unforeseen circumstances House Aeyeras will not be able to participate in the emergency summit in Hound-ru.
However since we recognize the importance of this meeting we humbly request a written summary being sent to us.

Kingdom of Hierax
- Bolvar Firestorm-Aeyeras
Master of Justice

((Sorry got to turn in a 5 page paper on by thuesday 15:00 and have trouble getting past the cover ><)
This letter would be intercepted by a bird- Kvothe is attending after all.


Lord of Altera
So what is the summary of the events that ouccured there? (Just for the people who couldn't make it, i.e me :D)