Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alteran Mafia- Omertá


Lord of Altera
Listen to this throughout the thread.
OOC Intro (Ohm-mair-tae)
After becoming interested in creating somewhat of a character change for myself I decided that I was going to enroll my character in making my character a kind of Organized Crime group, call Omertà. This is essentially a mafia of Altera. The kinds of people who I want are dedicated RPers and active members. If your character has always been a law-abiding, good-willed citizen spice things up a bit and secretly join Omertà. I am looking for long-time experienced RPers, but I will also accept new people who are interested.

The premise of Omertà is to make money in whatever way possible. This would include robbery, arson, burglary, muggings, pickpocketing, and in some cases murder. Now before you go straight ahead and say "oh great, another violent RP group" I just want to point out that most of are interactions will be finding secret locales to plan and discuss how we will make money. So we are also aiming to be somewhat of the Borgia's of the time, not in are practices but in our omnipresence.
The Omertà's Decalogue
Stand by your brethren.
Don't draw attention to yourself.
Kill or be killed.
Plan ahead.
Don't stray from the pack.
Stay loyal or die.
If you tell other people you die.
Your actions cannot lead to our downfall.
Revenge before morality.
Don't make promises you can't keep.
The ranks and members
Stulte: General Oglub Pakgu (Frankieba5)
Jus: The Birdman (Goldengem27)
Stulte Guardsx3:

Heads the operation. Is not known publicly (if anyone is) and makes most major decisions. Gets 10% of all profit.
Takes out Stulte's orders. Can make decisions on the split second. Takes 10% of profit.
Stulte Guards
Guards the Stulte. Will put their lives on the line for him. Get 5% of the profit each.
Deans carry out Jus orders and are the elites of the Omertà. They get 20% of the profit split between them.
These men do most of the dirty work. Someone needs to be killed they'll kill em'. Get 35% of the profit split between 'em.
Hitmen in training. No profit.

PM me or see me in-game


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
One should, in my experience at any rate, post only as much information as needed and instead seek out actual members IG- secretively, at that. :p


Settling in Altera
Hmpf, i wanted to do this but you beat me to it~
Well, i have a new "character"
To bad i'm not very active.
And a bit rusty on rp.
Also, i recommend placing the people in the group some where were only they can see it.
Less meta.


is Barken
... So, apparently the Omerta attacks for no viable reason, and on innocents in a pub. xD