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An Acknowledgement and an Apology [Resolved - Unbanned]

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Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
I've thought of about one million and one different ways to start this and none of them seemed fitting... Regardless, I'll try my best to translate my thoughts into words.

Exactly a month ago now, I broke several specific aspects of the rules set down by the staff. The primary breaking of the rules was in the form of meta-gaming but there was also my conduct afterwards which was just disrespectful and rude. What I did was wrong. It infringed the rules set down to protect the server and make it a wonderful place to be. Something which it has more than accomplished. I acknowledge what I did was extremely wrong and look back on the incident with disgust for my conduct.

The past month has given me a lot of spare thinking time. I've had time to look back the event and try and pin down why exactly it happened. Personally, I think that it was defensive behaviour over my characters life. A foolish thing to do in hindsight but I've spent a lot of time with that specific character over the past few years. I am not in any way shape or form saying this makes what I did alright. It does not. It is merely... method to the madness? I don't know.

Spending three years on a server results in attachment. Again, I am not saying that me being a veteran should somehow excuse the inexcusable behaviour I showed. I was rude to staff, ruined players role-playing experiences amongst other things. As a veteran I should be setting an example in what to do to other players instead I'm a prime example of not what not to do. I shouldn't have acted so flippantly, I acknowledge this and I apologise immensely for it.


There are a number of people who deserve apologies from me. First and foremost are the role-players whose role-playing experience I potentially ruined. My actions caused a disruption to your role-play and that is as well inexcusable. I have always tried to be a good role-player to try and create happy experiences and memories for the players around me. Yet it seems I failed miserably last month so I am truly sorry to the players affected by my actions.

The staff also deserve an apology from me. Meta-gaming disrupts the natural flow of role-play which is why it is set out in the Tome of Citizenship [Something which I have read multiple times this past month] I was rude and perhaps arrogant towards the staff and the general image of the server. It's said that you don't truly know how much you love something until you've lost it. I have now had to deal with such an event. The server was and integral part of who I am, even if I didn't realize it at the time. It is for that reason I apologise to the staff as a whole but especially the ones who had to deal with the situation.

My final apology goes to the community as a whole. I threw away the values of this community without truly thinking about the repercussions. My actions were childish, petty and just plain wrong. Meta-gaming and rudeness. The people of this server, both player and staff alike, are immensely dedicated to this server. It is only now as an outsider that I've had time to truly appreciate this.

An apology to you all for my horrible behaviour and an acknowledgement that I was immensely wrong. To be allowed back into this utopia of a role-playing community would be a privilege that I may not even deserve. Thank you for your time.

- Jstar


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Hi there Jstar,

Staff has reviewed your appeal and we've decided to allow an unban, on one condition. For now, we ask that you not post any gifs on the forums until further notice. If you accept these terms I'll be happy to unban you!


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Giving up my gif posting is a worthy sacrifice in order to be able to come back.

I promise, you won't see a single gif from me :)
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