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An apology of sorts [Resolved]

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Lord of Altera
Before you read this, this is not an appeal, if you unban me I will probably come back to the server, if you do not, I will not spend much time looking back.

Hello, I am Mark, Markisbeest in-game.
I've been a member for 8 months exactly today or tommorrow, depending on if you count the forum date or the whitelist date. I have never been banned and never been warned for a serious issue for as far as I can remember. I've been fairly active ever since, participating as much on the server as the rest of my life possibly let me. I made friends here, saw friends go and enjoyed the overall experience I've gotten so far. I know this is not an excuse for anything, and I do not feel like I need an excuse for anything. I just figured I would tell.

I have recently been permabanned for "gossip, insults, etc..." And I requested clarification, which I got. In retrospect I think I should've been warned and Toma was the only mod around who could've done that.

So here goes my apology to Toma: I am sorry for putting you in this situation, I am certain that you would've warned anyone else in any other situation. You are a great moderator and deserve being one. I hope you're not getting into trouble and if you are I would gladly take the blame for all of this on me, as it all has me as the cause.

Now for what I said. I won't repeat it, as that would be against the purpose of me getting banned for mentioning it once. I have no intention to apologise for my opinion. I do not expect anyone to want me to apologise for my opinion either. As I mentioned before, I do think, in retrospect that I should have been warned. I however do not think I should have been banned, and nowhere near permabanned. I might have very likely apologised for the way I put my words if I had gotten a warning, even though it was all put in a generally jokingly manner.

I might say I am sorry now, but being banned at all, especially when there's a weighty perma in front of it, does not seem reasonable to me. So I am pondering wether I should return that gesture, by not apologising.

If I do say I am sorry, it would be an empty gesture, said without meaning. I am not sorry for saying what I said. The things I said were my opinion, even if said in a jokingly manner.

I will therefor not say I'm sorry.
I will say that I will not express my opinion as such in a public channel on Hollowworld again, whether I will or won't get unbanned.

Do with this post as you wish.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Did you read my message in our conversation?
It is not about your opinion, you are completely entitled to have and share your opinion.
It is about how you said it: the false facts you told like they were the truth and who you insulted and offended with it.
It is not a permaban, you were asked to appeal and apologize and I explained the reasons for it in our conversation.

Do you realize what you did was wrong? No need to apologize for your opinion, just the way you said things. That's all. ;)


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Do you realize what you did was wrong? No need to apologize for your opinion, just the way you said things. That's all. ;)
Clearly he doesn't otherwise 90% of his post wouldn't have been about him and why he shouldn't have been banned.


Lord of Altera
Did you read my message in our conversation?
It is not about your opinion, you are completely entitled to have and share your opinion.
It is about how you said it: the false facts you told like they were the truth and who you insulted and offended with it.
It is not a permaban, you were asked to appeal and apologize and I explained the reasons for it in our conversation.

Do you realize what you did was wrong? No need to apologize for your opinion, just the way you said things. That's all. ;)
I read it entirely and I am not apologising about my opinion, as I also mentioned in the first post I have no intention to do so. I also mentioned in the post that I think I should have gotten a warning, twice.
I understand that the way I said it was why I was banned. I also promised I wouldn't do this again.
I meant no harm to anyone, or I would've said it in OOC, or someone's face. I probably shouldn't have said it the way I did, so as I said in the original post, I will not say stuff like that in a public channel on Hollowworld again.


The original mute
I read it entirely and I am not apologising about my opinion, as I also mentioned in the first post I have no intention to do so. I also mentioned in the post that I think I should have gotten a warning, twice.
I understand that the way I said it was why I was banned. I also promised I wouldn't do this again.
I meant no harm to anyone, or I would've said it in OOC, or someone's face. I probably shouldn't have said it the way I did, so as I said in the original post, I will not say stuff like that in a public channel on Hollowworld again.
It is obvious to me that you have misunderstood what bodejodel said to you. The problem here, lies not with your opinion but the way you said it. what bode is asking you for is an apology for the way you stated your opinion not for having it.
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