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Appeal for Unbanning from Rogue_Assassin16

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Hi, I Rogue_Assassin16 am really sorry for stealing on the server:oops: , i wasn't really think about my actions. I haven't really been myself since my grandmother died on may 12, 2012 on Saturday :(. Her Funeral was on May 18, 2012 this Friday.For the pass few days I have been sad and a little bit mad at myself for not being able to see her a lot when she was alive. She was the last type of mother I had, since my Mom and Great-Grandmother already died. This server is all i have left to make me happy because I finally feel that I belong somewhere, since I live with my Aunt and her husband, who thinks i don't belong in the house with the Aunt that I have known since I was born. Without this server my life is sad and boring, this server feeds my creativity. Please Accept my appeal for Unbanning because this server is the best sever I ever been on :cool: and it's all I have left of happiness. :). Please unbanned me:) . I will return everything I took and will never do it again. I really enjoy using this server because it lets me talk/adventure with my friends who also use this server and I can meet new friends on the way. Sorry for not following the rules and will never do it again.
yes that's all I took and I will gladly return it I just wish to be back on the server.:( I will do anything to get back on the server, it's all I have left in life!


Lord of Altera
Look dude you stole from my house. You clearly griefed my house with knowing it because your excuse was "I was mining then came across this room. You took my red bricks for my enchanting/potion crafting and replaced them with dirt. Not only did you just steal from my chests and griefed my blocks, you also lied about it. You told to the admin, OSirxO, that you didn't take anything (this is roughly from my memory). I cannot recall exactly what I had in my chests, but I knew I had a brand new diamond pickaxe.
Although you were banned from the server for Grief/Steal you should be kicked from the town as well. You broke two of rules on the bulletin board. (IMG)
You broke Rules 1 and 2.
Rules 1: Get Permission For All Builds. ( I asked DeadPress if you asked permission, which he replied with no )
Rules 2: No Random Mines. Your excuse was "you were mining" which is also a rule broken from the town.

Now if you are wondering why my chests weren't lock, was for the reason following. Parts of my house were in the towny wilds, and until towny was removed I wasn't allowed to place a private sign. Now the griefing didn't happened until a day after towny was removed. I was grounded that day, and wasn't at fault for not locking my chests.
dead is the one who gave be the permissions for the my builds that's how i was adding stuff to my house. I was never told mining was against the rules because in my friends house they had floors that they had built. I was adding on to my house. Yes I did take somethings from your chest and i sorry for it I will gladly return it and will help you with anything you want worked on.:( You don't understand this server is all have left. I will give anything just to be back on the server. PLEASE FORGIVE ME:(:(!!!! abbeyvie Dark Lord. I am truly sorry


The White Mage
I never usually comment in these but
I haven't really been myself since my grandmother died on may 12, 2012 on Saturday :(. Her Funeral was on May 18, 2012 this Friday.For the pass few days I have been sad and a little bit mad at myself
Ok, if she genuinely died, i'm sorry. But, as Ittzaboy has said on this forum "This is a notice to remind everyone that your current state of mind at the time of breaking a rule will not get you pardoned from it. This means that if you are depressed, angry, drunk, etc, and break the rules, you will still be punished accordingly."
So leave out the guilt trips please.


Lord of Altera
I'm afraid I'm with Abbey here. First of all, even though it is sad news, the death of your grandmother will not help you with this. Next to that, when I asked you about the things you stole, you told me it was only those few, small things. With this, you lied to me, which I think is not very smart to do in an application, especially when you've been banned because of lying.

I'm leaving this to the moderators, but I just want you to know that you haven't really showed yourself in a good way here.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Just adding in my two cents here.

As Matto said, on this forum we don't take the anger we have IRL onto the game and detract from other peoples experience. If it is true that your grandmother really died, I am truly sorry, but it is no excuse to steal and grief and lie about stealing and griefing. This makes you appear very suspiscious, and we have little incline to trust anything you say. I'm not an admin, and I don't think I will be, but I think you made a mistake in anger and have learned a valuable lesson. I hope you get to stay on the server, it really is wonderful. I also hope that you were telling the truth and that you have now learned a lesson.


Lord of Altera
I would like you people to know (if it hasn't been stated)
Rouge has had this game for little over a week....
He probably thought that was a dungeon,
and with his grief over his grandma he might not have been thinking when he did this.
Maybe he knew it was a home... we wont know that until he answers.

I for one think he should have a second chance due to the fact that he has been a good player the time he has been here.

But, its up to the admins.
I am truly sorry for hurting anybody through my actions and I understand that bad actions always have consequences, that it will take time for you abbeyvie Dark Lord and others to ever trust me again but if I am given the chance to prove myself as a person of loyalty and honesty I will do so just to be back on this particular server, no other! :)


Lord of Altera
I am truly sorry for hurting anybody through my actions and I understand that bad actions always have consequences, that it will take time for you abbeyvie Dark Lord and others to ever trust me again but if I am given the chance to prove myself as a person of loyalty and honesty I will do so just to be back on this particular server, no other! :)
You shouldn't have said that.


Lord of Altera
Now, I believe you should take this as an experience. You don't deserve to be banned forever. I think you should do this:
- Be banned for another 24hrs
- Return ALL my items
- Research about minecraft for the simple mistake because my house looks nothing like a dungeon.
- Learn not to lie... but I don't know about that... it might change the tables for you.

The reason I'm attacking you is because YOU LIED about it. You never told the truth. I would pity the truth... but I don't like being mean about theses kinds of topics.
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