Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I think I might like it here
First of if you say no can you keep this open?

I lied about the tnt. I did blow up the tnt. I just wanted to get rid of it and so i found a random place and blew it up. I realized how stupid i was and fled. I was going to repair it if it did damage. I remember the fires that someone set not being able to burn heavens reach. I was going to repair it tommorow. I had some big ideas for altera. If you just let me back on to do these ideas i will be so thankful. I am crying right now because of how i cant believe how stipid i was. please just be kind about this. I am so sorry for what i did and know the damage i probably caused. I will repair everything i did and pay them 500 radiants. I will pay more when i have more radiants. I cant promise i wont do anyting in the future because i dont know what i will do in the future but i am planning to not to do anything bad in the future. I will do anything i can to get back on.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
You really should stop appealing when we ask you to stop.
You have been banned permanently for major griefing AND then lying about it.

Childish, wrong, not so smart, CLOSED
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