Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Thôrdil spoke to Aracena again

Dug his grave deeper and deeper


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I just wanted to take a moment to throw this out-

I know Aracena lives in Thiil, which is a Peaceful Region. However, I'm pretty chill about things if you'd like to RP with her outside of Thiil and peaceful region rules. It just happens that she lives in a peaceful town, but doesn't mean that I'm trying to shelter her away from anything. I'd be more than happy to take her to moderate/violent areas if the RP is more fitting there.

So.. Yeh. Just sayin'.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
+A letter has been left for Athryl to find as Aracena departs from Thiil. She carries with her a travel pack filled with writing supplies, a jar with some sort of paste, several finished parchments tied with string and the necessities for travel. Who knows where she intends to go from here?+


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Shes not running away. She's just traveling. :p
In the opposite direction of where her problems are currently at!

Just like how Thôrdil never says "I'm retreating" but "I'm tactically misplacin' meself ta t'e ot'er side o' t'e lands"


Lord of Altera
*sits, tilting her head slightly* I must find this marked woman again, the grey child has much to say.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Nope. *drags her away* And you're not a child anymore. *places her in some other thread*
B-But... Come back. *Reachy grabby hand*
*smack* I am a child! *runs back to this thread*

I'm here!!! *sits*
*runs back to this thread with an army of cats* DIIIEEE
AHHHH RUN!!! *hops up and starts running around the thread, making a mess everywhere*
"I'm not retreating, I'm advancing in a different direction!"