Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Arianne - The White Lady


Lord of Altera
All of my rumors are true . . . None are false! THIS IS HERECY!!!


Lord of Altera
+Working on expanding some relations, so be patient please if I haven't gotten to you yet.


Lord of Altera
The light sound of rain could be heard from the rooftop, gently smashing into the simple wooden roof of the shop Arianne had been calling home for the past few months. She awoke as the storm began to pick up, only to be greeted by a heart-warming face in front of her own. It seems nowadays this face was the only thing that didn't change, remaining the same no matter what had happened. For this she had been thankful.

She rose quietly, as to not wake the familiar, yet refreshing body that lay motionless next to her. Her mind was already racing with simple thoughts of all that has happened these past years, all the resent and regret she had felt. Why must this regret follow her anywhere she goes? All the memories that had left a bad taste in her mouth. Had it been her own fault? Was her own arrogance the cause for these faults?

These answers she may never know as she began to run each scenario differently through her head. Asking many useless questions that never end. Though one seemed to stand out among the hordes of the simple thoughts.

What now?

She had found herself asking this question many times, but every time there would be some answer calling, begging for her to answer it's weak hints. Answering her question, only for a small respite.

It seemed she couldn't hear any calling this time. Only the crashing of the rain on the roof above her, nothing more.

What now?