Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Arrille's Appeal. [Resolved - Unbanned]


Loyal Servant of Altera
I am Arrille, I played on this server almost a year and a half ago ( I think). The server has changed and so have I, I'm not even sure if im banned anymore the server has gone so far and I cannot find my name in the Ban List. I got banned for usage of X-ray, I think this was a fair ban. I think I am ready to come out of exodus and face The World Of Altera once again as a changed person. I will redo my White List application be a new me. I Loved this server and ready to love it again with your help.
Thank you for your time, Arrille.


Ah indeed you are missing from the banlist..

Hopefully someone who knew you/remembers you should see this and respond to it soon enough!


Loyal Servant of Altera
The only person I can remember is Cubeydoom, she was pretty cool. The person who handled my ban was Kruziik, I don't think he is still around but Cubey probably would be.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
The only person I can remember is Cubeydoom, she was pretty cool. The person who handled my ban was Kruziik, I don't think he is still around but Cubey probably would be.

Please do a new application.