Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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++ Art of a Feral Dog ++


Lord of Altera
Hey guys, The reason I called this "art of a feral dog" is because I am going to buy a new Minecraft account and makit my primary account called "Feral_Dog" :p.

For my first art, it is a Naruto reference and I call it "Inu Uchiha" (Inu is dog in Japanese [Naruto is Japanese amine :p] and Uchiha is a clan in Naruto :))
Dog Fireball.jpg

The next will probably be a stick figure of some sort... :D
Edit: Fire vs Water stickmen thing... Got bored, bad quality because it took like 10 minutes
Right guy is lazy :p PS. Idk where the green came from...


Lord of Altera
*Le sigh*
Please don't don't this computer...
I am now taking requests to draw your RP characters!
Please leave a pic of your skin or a very detailed description :D
(I probably won't be able to do it for about 3 weeks, nearing end of year 8 :p but I promise I'll do them after :))


Lord of Altera
Ok, so I'm a Naruto fan as mentioned in first post :p Pretty much...
So I made my own Mangekyou Sharingan design :D (If I make multiple Mangekyous, I'll do some Eternal Mangekyous :D)


Lord of Altera
Some more Mangekyous :D
Time to make Eternals Mangekyous :p (It's just one I made then edited versions :))MangekyouSharingan2.png

