Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Art of all

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I watched the film recently, and I got in the mood to draw something related..
And a very special thank you to freya, as honestly, it has been a while since I was happy or at least satisfied with my artwork, and without this thread that you created I would not have drawn a piece of art I'm genuinely happy with, so thanks :)

Untitled-2 copy.jpg


Loyal Servant of Altera
Ehm, hopefully not a necro or something like that... I made Christmas-cookies and since a lot of people around here like dragons, here they are:

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
LadyMara said:
Ehm, hopefully not a necro or something like that... I made Christmas-cookies and since a lot of people around here like dragons, here they are:
I should hope not, this thread's awesome! And.. now I'm craving dragons


Lord of Altera
THAT EYE! Is one of the most amazing drawings i have EVER seen! And i am not over reacting here O_O