Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Artsy Fartsy Time!


Lord of Altera
I see art is getting the hang of things. I will do character drawings..... wait for it.... for free! whoa! its first come, first serve guys so get on the list now!


Lord of Altera
Ittza: 80, but confused%
matt: 45%
seth: 100%
beni : 100%

Edit: This almost is never finished, due to the fact that I never remember things well. I'll try to get everything done as quick as possible while my internet is dead.
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Lord of Altera
Sorry for leaving of for so long! I got my ASUS ROG in yesterday and i'm setting my scanner to do doodles. i'm horrible at using a tablet so good old pencil and pen will work just fine!


The original mute
I would like you to draw at least one of my two characters, or both in one image. What will you need for you to do it?


The original mute
I'll post them when I get on computer with them on, and I have two I'd like to be drawn together if that's all right?