Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ashern Sliven Character Profile

Dramatic {Kyle}

Settling in Altera
Name: Ashern Sliven
Ash, Shade, Lightfoot (Old Alias before his injury)
Age: Roughly 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human, more specifically Nord
Height: 5 Foot, 7 Inches
Weight: 150
Hair: A Dark Brown
Eyes: A Dark Brown again
Skin: Fairish skin, tanish
Identifying Marks: Slight limp in right leg from childhood injury
Appearance: Mostly wears his old, faded, assassin robes... Will sometimes wear a newer, darker one

Strengths: Bows, Swords, and Memory
Weaknesses and fears: Limp in right leg prevents him from sprinting for long periods of time... Afraid of disappointment and of his companions dying due to him
Religion and cults: None for now, he has not worshiped anyone for years
Profession: Currently unemployed... Old profession was as a leader for a Theif/Assassin group far north from Altera

(If anyone wants me to include a more in-depth version of Ashern's story compared to one that was on my application, let me know)