Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Asselin Bloger (Updated)


Noble of Altera
Name: Asselin Bloger
Full Name: Asselin Bloger
Nickname/ Alias:None

Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: Halfling, Flatfoot
Social Status: None yet
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 4 feet
Weight: 84 pounds
Date of Birth: Fortnight 23, a midsummer nights eve.
Date of Death: Still alive!
Homeland: Somewhere in Altera I’m guessing.
Current Home: The capital of Altera, Port Silver

Build: Small but a little extra weight.
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Light Blue
Skin: Pale with an assortment of freckles.
Identifying Marks: None
Appearance: I seem to look friendly enough if I may say so myself
Clothing: Earthy colored clothes, baggy pants but all seem worn and sturdy.
Weaponry: One small dagger, but I am able to use it.
Prized Possessions: A golden amulet my father said came from my dead mother
Hygiene: I think that I seem quite clean.

Voice: Light and friendly.
Strengths: Friendly, good bargainer, and light on feet.
Fears:Emotional conflict and big messes.
Weaknesses: Cannot swim
Intelligence: A little above the average human
Languages: Common
Profession: None but I hope to open a tea/ General store with my brother Meridoc.

Personality: Confident, not afraid to voice my opinions.
Religion or Cults: None
Alignment: Law abiding
Short Term Goals: Start a shop with my brother Meridoc
Long Term Goals: Learn Horgaahn, I quite like dwaves they are my size after all!

Place: My Father and mothers hole.
Pastime: Sitting at the fire drinking whisky, or reading.
Food: Baked Potatoes.
Drink: Whiskey, my brother hates it!
Color: Red
Animal: Horse

Least Favorite...
Place: Lakes or any other type of body of water.
Pastime: Swimming
Food: Rotten flesh, who likes that?
Drink: Beer
Color: Yellow
Animal: Any type of rodent.

Loved: NA
Trusted: NA
Befriended: NA
Liked: NA
Neutral: NA
Unsure of: NA
Wary of: NA
Afraid of: NA
Disliked: NA

Hated: NA


I was born in a nice little house that was built semi-underground. It wasn’t big but it wasn’t small either. My family is very humble and in my opinion nice. Me and my brother are twins. We are the only children. This is unusual for Halflings but our mother died shortly after labor and my father refused to get another wife. Now back to my brother. We are very close. Ever since we were little children we dreamed of going to a place that my father knew about. Port Silver, the capital of Altera. We dreamed of living peacefully in our own village and hopefully start a nice general store/ tea store in Port Silver. We would live off our own food. This is what my brother and I dreamed of. Once my father passed we started on our dream. It is sad but we had to leave our humble home, and leave it to crumble. We made sure to bring as much as we could to our new house though. My mother told my father before she died to give me a silver chain with a circular gold object on the end. I don’t know what it is but I will always hold it close to me. Me and my brother are Flatfoots. In other words we like to have a cozy semi-underground home. I would like to hang several paintings around our home, it makes the house seem more inviting. I like to mine and farm, I don’t go on big mining expeditions just small ones to get iron,coal,and cobble. My brother and I are both 34 years old. I have Auburn hair and freckles. We are both about 4 feet in height. We both speak common tongue. I want to learn Horgaahn though the Dwarves seem nice. That is me.

My IG name is : Tardis_11 (yes Doctor Who)