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Ban Apeal for bulldogsteven [Declined - Inactivity]

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Ok so I was pera Banned for OP in RP when I wasnt OPing when all I didn was catch a spear and throw it back at him. I was just banned a second ago and I dont find it right to get banned when he refused to roll so I warned him im taking that as if it hit you if you dont roll and he didnt roll so I took it as a hit and we argued over ooc and I told him I didnt want to argue over it so I left and I got banned for it.
I was decided to leave for a little and when I tried to get back on I was banned by Heer. I wasnt OPing over it and I wish to get unbanned for it and I wasnt trying to carry out the arguement over it. I told him I wasnt going to argue and was banned.

I hope I can get back on the server for it and I promise I will try not to be OP even though I didnt that time and ive changed how I RP fight so this wouldnt happen.

Hopes to be unbanned-


Retired Staff
I banned you to get an explaination of what you were doing. We've had several players complaining that you either troll, ruin RP, or OP, as was the case today. You got a spear in your back, which mistaahh, as I got told, pulled out of your back again, then you 'caught' the spear and threw it? Also, you got an arrow in your back, pulled it out and stabbed somebody with it, which is just an example of today.
I consider unbanning you, but I want to know that this won't happen again. I also want to know what others think of this.


Lord of Altera
I also might add a bit of evidence of his trolling tendency.


Here, you can see bull using a Nakat skin, though I hadn't approved him for such a character.
He refused to change skins after multiple pleas and demands to do so, only changing skins after being told to do so by WildWyvern.
His excuse for it was that "people make temp. Nakam all the time" (which is a lie.)
I'd also add that his Op standing in RP has been a continuous issue for as long as I've seen him on the server.
I'd say +1 ban stays.


... is very scientifical.
Events Staff
Lore Staff
If I may....

Steven, also, some time before he was banned from magic RP.... He was performing some form, I forget what it was, but I believe he was healing someone. I informed him that he has to get approved for magic use, unless he was using magic before the rule was implemented, he simply wandered off without another word.... This may be of little relevance, but I felt the need to add my two cents.

+1 ban stands aswell


Well I gave up RP magic for that and I got rid of the skin and wasnt troling for having it, just wanted to make one and I got rid of it and I promise it wont happen again.

Plus ive seen people do it so its not a lie

And I was never banned for OP magic, I was asked to not use it again and I havent since


Retired Staff
You have been banned from using magic in RP. It's somewhere on the forums, can't find the exact place atm though.

And do use the edit button.


Lord of Altera
No actually steven, nobody makes temp nakam skins, and like valcust said (I was there at the time) you didn't change your skin after just about everybody on the server was telling you to take your skin off. You only did so when Wildwyvern told you. +1 for the ban staying.


Burner of Worlds
All I hear is constant complaints of you OPing and disrupting RP. Many people, experienced RPers, have given you warnings and advice but you seem to have ignored all of it. As far as I'm concerned this ban should stand.


Le Original Queen
Not sure if my opinion and dealings with BDS here hold any weight, but I have to say, after dealing with you in RP and otherwise on the server, I have to honestly say it might be for the best for you to go.

I can't count the number of private messages you were sending me on the server, begging for RP while I was trying to move all my stuff into Kavdam. You were rather rude to people who asked you to stop. Remember Princess stepping in maybe my third day back on the server? It was because you wouldn't leave me alone after repeatedly being told I was busy.

You are very disruptive if things don't go your way, and were rather rude towards Valcust the first day the two of us were even in Kavdam. You have potential, however, I haven't seen or heard much positive from you during my time back on the server.

+1 Ban.


Lord of Altera
I've role played with him for a little bit, and I find it tolerable enough. Most of the problem's I've encountered were due to ignorance and not attitude (sometimes his attitude is slightly annoying). His attitude takes over from time to time, and I must note that when we tell him the rules it's not in a kind-or at least controlled-manner. And pulling a spear out of his body once is hardly the worst I've witnessed; I recall someone pulling a great sword out of their chest, and continued to stagger outside. Following that, the child struck my character down with a fist of lightning, and limped away. Now, that is somewhat irrelevant but I wanted that to put things in perspective. A bit rude sometimes yes, interferes now and then, yes, but it seems mostly out of eagerness to RP. To be honest, he wouldn't be a loss to us at all, but I believe that he should have one last chance on the terms that his character will never be able to use magic, ever, he controls himself, make him read and learn every single rule and aspect of role playing, and he does something to compensate for all the disruption he has caused to our role playing community.

+1 unban


Lord of Altera
Granted, your just a horrible rper... from what I've seen by actually rping with you, and from the evidence supported here, I see no reason to change the ban.

+1 ban stands.


Lord of Altera
As said here, i wanted to say,1. i threw a spear at you, you dodge it, fine, but weird considering i stabbed you i the back with it, 2. you caught it and stabbed me with it, using the both offensive actions in one roll 3. I refused to roll, then you say it went to the ground and you picked it up, i didn't agree with that, and suddenly mist is on the floor bleeding to death, and you say "you shouldn't have crossed me" Whilst you were the most severe injured and making things up, also when i told you you can't change for your own good, without the other participator's permission to change the rp fight, You said i was making things up

+1 for ban, you are not to me only a pain in the lower behind


King ForumStalker
If you could not post unless you have actually experienced roleplay or rulebreaking with him that'd be fantastic.

I personally don't see why we should unban you, and I personally saw two of these cases (the ones Basil and Mistaah described) as well as a multitude of complaints from other players.

So now, I want you to tell me why we should unban you. I don't want any "I didn't do it"s or "They're lying"s, I want you to give me a reason why we should consider unbanning you. This is the chance to defend yourself so use it wisely.


You... do not... know me.. I am Sarah Grief....

Shame... You... didn't read our Lore...

Goodbye.... bulldogsteven...


Lord of Altera
To add some more information to this thread. He has been kicked out of several cities (At least 2 that i know of, being Heavens Reach and another one i cant remember the name of) due to rule breaking behaviour and unwillingness to follow orders of the rulers. This all seems to be rather consistant with his RP behaviour.


Burner of Worlds
Think we've had enough posting on this thread for now. Can everyone hold off until bulldogsteven responds if he wants to.


Lord of Altera
Bulldog, you have exactly 24 hours by the time of this post to reply. If no post is made, your ban status will not change.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
I think that it could be tolerable and just have a temp-ban for a week or 2 or 3,
+1 unban
what is it about not posting on ban appeals unless you have something useful that people cant understand?
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