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Ban Appeal - Conmaster13 [resolved - Unbanned]


Lord of Altera
So. I have decided to make a Ban Appeal and I'm going to get straight to the point.

What I did was wrong, I was immature, I disrespected the admins and what I said was plain stupid and rude.
Yes I acknowledge what I did was wrong and I shouldn't of said it, I was angry and frustrated at the time about current events and I just didn't care anymore, my nerves got the better of me and I said what I said and was banned.
I am sorry for what I said, I broke the rules and disrespected the admins and I understand that breaking the rules has it's consequences.
Anyway I would like to come back because I miss my old friends, I miss being able to talk to them and hang out with them, I know it isn't the best reason but it's the truth.
And I think I should be unbanned because I believe i have calmed down from the incident and have matured more as a person and I know that sounds cliche but I think I have anyway.

Anyway thank you for taking the time to read this and I understand if I don't get to be unbanned.



Retired Staff
conmaster13| Reason: Quoting your words "Screw this server, I dont give a s**t anymore"Dark_Auras| 13 Mar, 2013 7:52pm| Permanent

Dark isn't staff any more, so it'll have to be discussed rather than his call.


Retired Staff
Just a note: You were banned not for stating your opinion, but for doing so in an incredibly rude and arrogant manner that insulted the players and the staff (who volunteer their time and effort to make this place as good as it can possibly be, and do it unpaid). Just saying you don't like how things are run is fine, but cussing us out isn't.

A reminder: those uninvolved in the appeal may not post in it.


Lord of Altera
I understand that, at the time I was really annoyed with the admins and didn't think about anything I said, honestly if I could take it back I would.


Lord of Altera
I'm not a fan of grudges :p, anyone can get caught up in the moment, and mistakes can be made fairly easily. It always takes guts to stand back up and say you did something wrong, so thank you for appealing, I've decided to unban you.