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banned for this nonsence

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Grand Architect
i demand justice on this,

im putted in jail because i said if your deaf it saves you alot of bull**** (bullcrap) from the world
and then roopot puts meinto jail.

roopot is a pain in my ass since i gotto this server
even when im flying to built he teleports to me sometimes and says im not allowed to fly and he hits me and then just goes away.

Few weeks back he was also kicking people for no reason at all just for fun (what is powerabuse in my eyes)
later he wrote things in caps and he just kicked me out to so i told him I would report it
he instantaniouslly teleported t me and began talking in /ch rp that i was lying and he kept hitting me.

Sorry if this is a moderator i will eat my city

moderators should be a symbol of espect/justice and a helping hand but people like him just make the server look VERY immature

i dont know if e holds a grudge towards me but i dont care i mind my own things but just keps coming towards me even if i warned him a couple of times.

why this appeal ?

i find it unfair that i get jailed by him and i asked several things in ooc and you just responded like an immature group of kids. and what the ban for normally u mute people so wy do get a ban ?

im fed up with all this if certain mds wont help me then ill ask admins and if te wont then im out of this server


King ForumStalker
You were jailed for langauge (even censoring isnt allowed)

You were temped for your continued ranting and abuse to the moderation team.

Wait out the ban and next time take a 10 minute jail sentence like most respected players should, you lasted only 5 minutes before I lost my rag with you.


King of the north!
First off jailing you for swearing (even starred out) is fair enough as its against out rules. If you starred it out you knew it was against the rules so just use a different word.

As for the admin abuse I'd like roopots side to that.

And the immature answers to your questions in ooc, what were you asking and who was replying with what answers?


Lord of Altera
even we (kings hands) are not excempt from language only yesterday i was jailed for starring something out, we do not jsut over look mods breaking the rules.


King of the north!
Someone explain to me fully what's going on here. Including anything anyone knows about previous situations, roopots behaviour ect.


Grand Architect
i hold no grudges against anyone on this server. and why roopot thinks this is unknown to me
this is a game and holding grudges against anyone you have never even seem just is onlogical to me

IF he thinks im holding a grudge against him why doesnt he just ask me instead of harassing me like that its unfair because im just a normal player an hes a mod so actuelly he can do more then most players can

and castellan i keep on to that evidence because if you search the logs you will find them yourselfs.

then again itzza why do i get a ban and all te other players get a mute ? thats also an unfair thing to do


Lord Zanros Hawklight
i think it would probably be best to wait for both sides accounts, and any evidence they have to back up their cases, which as i previously said, aug claims to have


King of the north!
Aug show the evidence you have please, otherwise i'm just going to slap you both for being idiots and you don't want that. Trust me, it hurts


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
i demand justice on this,

im putted in jail because i said if your deaf it saves you alot of bull**** (bullcrap) from the world
and then roopot puts meinto jail.
I put you into jail for the language. For all I know you could have meant something different than crap. Also I have to say it was in very bad taste for you to say that cosidering that it was a coversation with Cubey in it.

roopot is a pain in my ass since i gotto this server
even when im flying to built he teleports to me sometimes and says im not allowed to fly and he hits me and then just goes away.
Only once have I warned you for flying. A the time it was hard to tell since the builing you were working on is quite large. For that I apologised.

Few weeks back he was also kicking people for no reason at all just for fun (what is powerabuse in my eyes)
later he wrote things in caps and he just kicked me out to so i told him I would report it
he instantaniouslly teleported t me and began talking in /ch rp that i was lying and he kept hitting me.
Can you tell us exactly when this is supposed to have happened so it can be put into a proper context? If you can give evidence of this it will make it easyer to work out what acctually happened.

Sorry if this is a moderator i will eat my city

moderators should be a symbol of espect/justice and a helping hand but people like him just make the server look VERY immature

i dont know if e holds a grudge towards me but i dont care i mind my own things but just keps coming towards me even if i warned him a couple of times.

why this appeal ?

i find it unfair that i get jailed by him and i asked several things in ooc and you just responded like an immature group of kids. and what the ban for normally u mute people so wy do get a ban ?

im fed up with all this if certain mds wont help me then ill ask admins and if te wont then im out of this server
I do not hold a grudge against you, I have no reason to. The ban was put in place by another moderator so I cannot comment on that. As for what you feel about the rest of the mods all I can say was that the others acted with a high level of decoram.


King ForumStalker
Chat Logs!!!

Okay, here is what Aug was originally jailed for.

11114634 2011-12-21 12:42:46 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms -106.4,67,2591.3 not being able to hear also saves you alot of bull**** the world makes

And here is the following convo:

11114866 2011-12-21 12:43:34 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.3,85,-997.1 who jailed me

11114890 2011-12-21 12:43:40 roopot Chat Northern_Kingdoms 138.3,7.1,-4876.4 not telling

11115121 2011-12-21 12:44:02 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 974.1,85,-997.2 must have done
11115126 2011-12-21 12:44:03 roopot Chat Northern_Kingdoms 136.3,37.5,-4874.1 you censored it

11115142 2011-12-21 12:44:07 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.3,85,-999.7 so
11115148 2011-12-21 12:44:09 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 974.1,85,-997.2 otherwise you wouldnt be here =P

11115175 2011-12-21 12:44:16 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 974.1,85,-997.2 censoring is just as bad, if not worse
11115200 2011-12-21 12:44:24 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.3,85,-999.7 crap isnt a harsh word

11115214 2011-12-21 12:44:30 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 1.4,67,526 -_-

11115250 2011-12-21 12:44:51 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -74.5,71,578 *facedesk*

11115315 2011-12-21 12:45:09 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.3,85,-997.3 ima go outside and press that buttton multiple times

11115371 2011-12-21 12:45:25 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.4,85,-999.7 im going to report you roopot youv been a thorn in my side long enough

11115392 2011-12-21 12:45:30 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.4,85,-999.7 i gathered enough evidence for that

11115409 2011-12-21 12:45:37 roopot Chat Northern_Kingdoms 136.3,37.5,-4874.1 I jailed you for language

11115424 2011-12-21 12:45:41 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -138.9,73,676.9 aug?

11115435 2011-12-21 12:45:46 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.3,85,-999.7 what

11115452 2011-12-21 12:45:53 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 960.1,91.5,-987.6 Aug that would be a very bad thing to do

11115470 2011-12-21 12:45:59 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -135.3,79,687.9 i hate to tell you but roo is one of the best mods i know
11115472 2011-12-21 12:45:59 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 960.1,91.5,-987.4 we all saw what you put

11115522 2011-12-21 12:46:14 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 960.1,91.5,-987.4 we will back him up, because he is right and you are wrong

11115543 2011-12-21 12:46:19 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.4,85,-997.6 is that so ? hes been a thorn in my side since i came to this server

11115574 2011-12-21 12:46:27 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -132.7,118,728.7 uh huh

11115583 2011-12-21 12:46:28 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.4,85,-997.6 like spawning to town and hiting me

11115591 2011-12-21 12:46:31 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -132.7,119,729.1 can you prove it?

11115593 2011-12-21 12:46:31 Monkey_Dunk Chat Northern_Kingdoms 63.7,67,-722.6 just saying- reporting a mod/admin for them following rules isnt the smartest of ideas
11115617 2011-12-21 12:46:40 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 972.6,85.6,-998.7 and kicking people wihtout reason

11115651 2011-12-21 12:46:48 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 972.6,85.6,-998.7 yes i can becuase i screenshotted everything lol

11115695 2011-12-21 12:46:58 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 980.8,79,-991.7 Roopot, you have been found guilty of enforcing the rules, your punishment is a cookie.
11115709 2011-12-21 12:47:03 roopot Chat Northern_Kingdoms 131.3,37.5,-4876 yay

11115730 2011-12-21 12:47:08 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 977.5,79,-991.9 I hope you think about what you have done
11115737 2011-12-21 12:47:10 mrbubbles1951 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 3331.6,63,-547.2 :p

11115898 2011-12-21 12:47:34 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -292.5,99.5,846.9 XD

11115968 2011-12-21 12:47:47 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.6,85,-992.8 i actually have a cookie for you if you tp to me
11115983 2011-12-21 12:47:50 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 972.3,85.6,-999.7 good thing not only he mods know about it lol

11116115 2011-12-21 12:48:03 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.2,85,-992 aug, remember we have chat logs?
11116132 2011-12-21 12:48:06 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.6,86,-1000.1 yeop

11116138 2011-12-21 12:48:08 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.6,86,-1000.1 use em
11116157 2011-12-21 12:48:14 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 972.3,85.6,-999.7 please do so
11116194 2011-12-21 12:48:20 roopot Chat Northern_Kingdoms 971.5,85,-992.9
ok we will

11116258 2011-12-21 12:48:30 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.6,85,-992.1 okay, but whatever comes out of it will only look bad on you
11116283 2011-12-21 12:48:34 roopot Chat Northern_Kingdoms 971.5,85,-992.9 just give us the screens so we can get the dayte and time
11116337 2011-12-21 12:48:44 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.7,86,-1000.2 it wont because i always behave

11116396 2011-12-21 12:48:57 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -445.2,68,824.6 and roo doesnt?

11116497 2011-12-21 12:49:14 roopot Chat Northern_Kingdoms 977.1,85,-985.2 mellons....

11116575 2011-12-21 12:49:28 roopot Chat Northern_Kingdoms 977.1,85,-985.2 <_< >_>

11116644 2011-12-21 12:49:41 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.6,86,-1000.1 i know your a group of friends and i as outsider cant make a diffirence
11116668 2011-12-21 12:49:46 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.6,86,-1000.1 its an abuse of power if u ask me

11116718 2011-12-21 12:49:56 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -434.2,99,702.5 an abuse of power to do what?

11116825 2011-12-21 12:50:17 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 972.4,85.6,-999.7 im in trouble with noone but roopot is always trying to tick me off

11116857 2011-12-21 12:50:21 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -430.5,99,698.5 hmm seems i must find roo guilty of something else

11116930 2011-12-21 12:50:37 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -430.5,99,698.5 roo you are guilty of doing your role on the server, how do you plead?

11116966 2011-12-21 12:50:44 roopot Chat Northern_Kingdoms 977.5,85,-987.2 Guilty
11116976 2011-12-21 12:50:46 Itzzaboy Chat Northern_Kingdoms 972.6,85,-992 I vote guilty!
11116995 2011-12-21 12:50:50 Aug88 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 973.5,86,-1000.1 pff kids

11117054 2011-12-21 12:51:03 mrbubbles1951 Chat Northern_Kingdoms 3509.9,70.2,-963.5 im keeping out of this one

11117103 2011-12-21 12:51:14 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -429.5,99,698.8 i find all admins/mods guilty

11117170 2011-12-21 12:51:23 TheCastellan Chat sorrowlands2 -429.7,99,699.1
you are sentenced to have a good laugh...

This was where I temped Aug

2011-12-21 12:51:27 roopot Chat Northern_Kingdoms 949.9,79,-997.7 cast come to me

11117258 2011-12-21 12:51:42 TheCastellan Chat Northern_Kingdoms 950.2,79,-996.4 drat

I'm really looking forward to this proof you keep talking about.


Grand Architect
thts only form today m8 the things i was talking about were from the past 2 months or something
for the record i checked my folder but i have deleted everything yesterday since optifine messed up my game (and still does so even after a clean install)

the only way to find it i guess is by cecking logs from 2months :confused:

but i will just take my distance and mind to myself like i always do

but if someone comes anoying me again i wont hesitate to SC again

AuG out
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