Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Basil Brush Phoenix


... is very scientifical.
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For a temporary amount of time, though much development happened recently, this will remain unupdated... But, I assure you, Basil will change a lot. Tommorow, at the latest, but most likely today... I'll reply to this again when that happens.


... is very scientifical.
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Alrighty, it took, apparently, twelve hours for me to get around to doing this. But, no matter, I've decided "Normal" Basil's personality, and I like it. So, I will not seek out another mental disability to make Basil more complicated... Though, given the chance, I would consider it.


... is very scientifical.
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Bad idea? Bah! Foolish one, he is. Duckie should also convince Faelin, Hilter, Tori. Everyone. To also become Corrupted...


... is very scientifical.
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Arcone is to much a do-gooder for that to work... Trust me, I've tried. He's to backwards in his "good" ways to be evil.


... is very scientifical.
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Ah... Am I the only one who lives it when somone replies to the character profile?... If nothing else, it moves it back to the top of the character profiles/journals... :)


... is very scientifical.
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Everyone's favorite insane Dungeon Master is now a Cleric!... But, don't worry. He'll still torture people... Valerie is now the new Master of the Royal Dungeons. Also, I've got the perfect name for their tree... "The Immortal Tree of Torture" in Elvish.


... is very scientifical.
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I would just like to say, Basil has now died. I'll leave this open, for now. He was, by far, my favorite character. But I felt like- well, Valerie felt like. :p Beheading Basil, and him dieing in his own dungeon. So, jah, hopefully my next character will be as fun.