Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Bennieboy50's Role playing Character


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Taklin Beanos
Nickname/Alias: Takky
Age: 188
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Height: 1.2
Weight: 81 kilograms
Hair: Brown with a long beard
Eyes: Black
Skin: Little tinted/Pale
Identifying Marks: Always wears battleaxe/Battleaxe scabbard on back
Appearance: Small, Calm guy who likes eating cookies, Mine, And fight for Thraal!
Strengths: Mining, Smelling cookies, Fighting with battleaxes
Weaknesses and fears: Big distances, Falling to death, Mean people,
Religion and cults: Follows high king Hrothgar!
Profession: Miner, Fighter