Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Black Salts Mercenary Company


Legend of Altera


The black salts mercenary company was founded by Robert Senatoor in Salts Ridge during it's first stages. He constructed a mercenary group to patrol and protect the town and now it is based in the town and is based at Sentaur Manor.


Black Salts was founded by Robert Senatoor after the town needed a substitute for a guard until a proper location and enough materials existed for the town to construct a town barracks for the guard. it is a fair and quite prosperous company and always remain loyal to their contracts. They can't be payed off by the clients enemies and are furiously loyal until the contract is no longer legitimate.There are a few basic ranks in the company and specified roles. The company acts almost like a knightly order, but none of the men are of such a stature but they act with a high amount of chivalry and friendship.

Sentaur Manor

Senataur Manor is a house which resides in Salts Ridge, it is one of the largest, if not the, except for the academy and it is partially inside of a mountain. It is complete with a barracks and around 9 bedrooms and 1 storage room 1 study and a terass on the side of the mountain and a stable. And the basement holds the kitchen area and a quite large training area and soon to be armory.






Captain- Robert Senatoor (ACU20)

Lieutenant-Aidan Trevilian, Gregor ( Verfumbo, The Drunk)

Sergeant-Olaf Nierdheart, Maximus Tulius (Fraser028,Fumbo2)


Recruit- Merendir (cookies35)

A recruit will be given 200 Radiants a week until our economy is boosted.



IC Name-

Favored Role-

About you-
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Lord of Altera
I might do part time contracts if you want me to (I'm Astrid~) but only good for archery jobs really better archer than swords woman but real good at both


And mercenaries can be hired to assist a house in a war, acting as part of their army ;D

Hope this grows, dude. If I ever need something might shout atcha.


Legend of Altera
And mercenaries can be hired to assist a house in a war, acting as part of their army ;D

Hope this grows, dude. If I ever need something might shout atcha.
Righty then.

And my company employ mny different services than just to bulk up the general forces it cna also provide assassinations if there's a proven point that the target needs to die.


Lord of Altera
... I take it that your Mercs will become Rivals to the Bloody Coin? Your Salts Ridge is Vassals to Riddleport ( where The Coin is located ) So this shall be interesting :3


Legend of Altera
... I take it that your Mercs will become Rivals to the Bloody Coin? Your Salts Ridge is Vassals to Riddleport ( where The Coin is located ) So this shall be interesting :3
Actually, we don't i have a mutual agreement with their commander about the rivalry.