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Book of Altera


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
“Keep away from the edge, your master would be very mad if you fell off and died this close to your destination.”

The guard at the gate asked their business and seemed satisfied with the answer and the gold coin pressed into his palm and gave them directions to the recruitment headquarters of the Unkindness. Jaxson took note of this transaction and they entered the bailey. Before they had gone 200 yards Hasheem saw the man he was looking for with five children all holding hands behind him. He reminded Hasheem of a mother duck with her ducklings and it took all of his will to not smile. The bloodthirsty warrior who he had seen cut down was playing mommy. But this was a serious moment and Hasheem put on his best business face before calling out, “Sergeant Marxin! It is I, Hasheem Al’Mushad!”

Though Hasheem couldn’t see it from this distance the one armed sergeant inhaled deeply, clenched his jaw and muttered an obscenity under his breath.
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The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
@IceandFire dont love the new post post you silly billy! if you like the addition to the story love that :p

ALSO i just added more to ch 4.

PS I just added guns to altera :D so if there is a wand in hollowworld that this could apply to that is fine if not we could easily say that the method for capturing the fire spirits was lost to the sands of time.

Hehe :p


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Chapter 8

Westport, Raven’s Nest, 1547 PC, Month of Birth

The merchant in the thawb and turban approached Marxin. Marxin silently cursed the gods and smiled at the fat man as he came. They had met three years prior when the tar peddler had gotten swept up into a battle gone wrong because he was trying to sell his product to the army’s surgeons. Marxin had saved the man’s life but it had cost him his arm.

Marxin let go of the Elf’s hand and extended his arm to greet the merchant. Al’Mushad to his surprise fell to his knees in front of him and placed his head on the ground. “Master Marxin of Raven’s Nest. I have come to repay life debt to you. I have searched Altera for these past three years for a boy most suitable for your glorious company. If you would accept my gift I would give you Jaxson of Kartisport. A boy of seven, he killed a man many times his size who had beaten his mother. He is a smart boy and quick of wit. May he serve you well Master Marxin, a life for a life.”

Marxin was flabbergasted, he knew that the man had said he owed him a life debt but was not expecting anything to ever come of it. “I accept your offering and consider your debt dissolved. Please meet me at my office in the west tower. I must bring these children to their destination and I will meet you there shortly.” He extended his arm to the man again and helped him to his feet. “Come on boy, take a hand and follow us.”

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Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Marxin was flabbergasted, he knew that the man had said he owed him a life debt but was not expecting anything to ever come of it. He decided that this was a time for formalities and replied, “I accept your offering and consider your debt dissolved. Please meet me at my office in the west tower for refreshments. I must bring these children to their destination and I will meet you there shortly.” He extended his arm to the man again and helped him to his feet. “Come on boy, take a hand and follow us.”


Jaxson was surprised to see the fat man bow to the one armed man. The past three days he had always been so self-important. The five children holding hands were a sight to see. Four earthspawn who were as big as teenagers, but if the bodyguard was anything to go by as far as how big the ugly creatures got then they were probably no older than him. The one closest to the one armed man was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had a tangle of black hair, dark eyes that were a funny shape, dark skin with a slave tattoo and pointy ears. It looked like she had been crying. The Earthspawn on the other end of the group had a cat in a cage in her hand so he took the hand of the elf.

“Alright kiddos let’s get going.” The one armed man took Jaxsons hand and led them deeper into the castle.

None of the children had ever been in a castle before and all of them looked around in wonder. There were monsters perched on all the walls that Jaxson would later learn were called gargoyles and were there to scare away evil spirits. All of the stone was the same grey granite but the buildings were amazing. There was a bustle of people everywhere in fancy clothes and armor and plain clothes.

Eventually they arrived at their destination, a large courtyard with a couple of trees, a small grassy hill and a small pond. The hill was covered with children eating their breakfast off wooden trenchers. All of them had shaved heads and were wearing the same dark green long sleeved shirt and pants with bare feet.
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Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
started Ch 6. Also I changed the name of the city of Raven's Nest to Westport to avoid confusion with the name of the castle which is Raven's nest...


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Ch 6 is finished. Seriously guys, I would love a little feedback!


Lord of Altera
I been running through not having much time to keep reading, I will read the whole thing in more of my spare time. I think this is all very interesting. With the characters and relations to previous events like Exodus. All I can say as for feedback is, keep going dude! I think your on a roll with this. I really like how you even brought up the old things we had. Maybe even you could start blending it all in like a good stew? Like tying events and characters together, as more as this book goes on?


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Ch 7 is done and most of the main characters are together now!!!!!


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Just posted the start of chapter 8! If you are reading my story please respond with any feedback.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
here is a reference map for you all, it is obviously far from done. I'm adding things as i go. If you want one of your creations (town, character, bar etc.) included in the story let me know I may be able to make that happen.
