Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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brokkscast ban appeal

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hey guys I wanted to say something and hope you will forgive me so I can continue playing on this wonderfull server.

I know what I did was wrong :I spammed and I am sorry ,I was just to enthousiastic but now I calmed down and I am able to controll myself.

I just love this community and I hope I will be unbannned and can start over.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
hey guys I wanted to say something and hope you will forgive me so I can continue playing on this wonderfull server.

I know what I did was wrong :I spammed and I am sorry ,I was just to enthousiastic but now I calmed down and I am able to controll myself.

I just love this community and I hope I will be unbannned and can start over.
you just spamed atleast three different staff members to get them to read this -_-
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