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[Business] Northern Alteran Trading Organization


Lord of Altera
When we say "threats and pressure", we mean to say that we were explicitly told to get out of town.

We want business, and Azerport provided us with a fair bit of profit that we would have liked to continue collecting, but we there's not much to do against threats of looting except clear everything out and head for more stable centers of commerce.

@223hero7 for further comment.


Lord of Altera
When we say "threats and pressure", we mean to say that we were explicitly told to get out of town.

We want business, and Azerport provided us with a fair bit of profit that we would have liked to continue collecting, but we there's not much to do against threats of looting except clear everything out and head for more stable centers of commerce.

@223hero7 for further comment.
aye, id like to know who said that then


Lord of Altera
When we say "threats and pressure", we mean to say that we were explicitly told to get out of town.

We want business, and Azerport provided us with a fair bit of profit that we would have liked to continue collecting, but we there's not much to do against threats of looting except clear everything out and head for more stable centers of commerce.

@223hero7 for further comment.
Whoa? Why the hell would we take your OOC items? Plus the items in the chest shops are locked from everyone.

I don't really care but I wasn't going to raid the place (and the person saying that on TS needs to shut his lying mouth c: )


Lord of Altera
NATO is currently conducting an investigation regarding the situation and shall report back once more information is received.

As it stands, however, we must operate under the assumption the threats were valid to avoid ending up in an unfavorable position.


Lord of Altera
:l. We aren't talking like businessmen here. I was told that I was accused of wanting to raid OOC items from your shop in Azerport. I'm OOC telling you that's bull.


Lord of Altera
We are receiving conflicting reports on the situation, hence why we have launched an investigation into digging up the truth, to the best of our ability to do so.


Lord of Altera
We are receiving conflicting reports on the situation, hence why we have launched an investigation into digging up the truth, to the best of our ability to do so.
*Rolls his eyes at the bullcrap*
Investigating something I never said. Good luck finding anything.


Lord of Altera
*Rolls his eyes at the bullcrap*
Investigating something I never said. Good luck finding anything.
Why so rude, Tybalt?
It's not because Sinclair chooses to talk with a higher set of language that you need to say it's bullcrap. In my own opinion, I applaud Sinclair's attempts at looking like a real, respectable businessman, attempts which are quite successful, I must admit.

Besides, his point is fair. It's not because a company originates from a rival's city that it's automatically your enemy and you must remove it. As far as I know, I never monetarily supported the Company, and i'm paying my materials from them as much as you are. This is not a state-controlled business. Arthorius trying to influence or force anything over the company would have similar results to you doing in in Azerport, pretty much.
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The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
.. If you want to investigate such, then call a staff member. We can certainly see if anything OOCly has been taken. Otherwise, let's all tone it down, now.


Lord of Altera
.. If you want to investigate such, then call a staff member. We can certainly see if anything OOCly has been taken. Otherwise, let's all tone it down, now.
No things have been OOCly taken; I've checked. The items have been removed from the store by the store-owner, however, because of IC actions and having been verbally asked to clear out from the storehouse.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Then this argument should be IC, not OOC. If there's still an issue with all of this, settle it in RP!


Lord of Altera
OKAY, let me get something straight guys @Man5791 @Valonyx this is not the first time, indeed but one of many, Tybalt has been accused by one of your members of doing something utterly stupid like this, there is no proof that this happens, and frankly, Tybalt is sick of it, its why hes acting that way, if this were the first time, perhaps it would have been differently adressed by @Tybalt . now IM not saying I commend him for being rude, in fact yesit is a little direspectful, but for him it gets to a point where you lose your patience, like it or not, it happens to the best of us, so, @Tybalt will try his best not to be rude anymore, but remember this is not the first time something like this has happened, so reacting like this is not entirely Unpredicted on his end.

EDIT: For example, Hero today was not able to recover the logs of what tybalt said, thus no proof, now Im not calling anyone out, but until Heroes computer coughs em up, or staff check it, this whole claim or rumor was entirely false, plain and simple.


Lord of Altera
Sorry for being rude. But I don't like being called a liar or a thief.

I was told that someone was clearing Shop for OOC purpose of raiding. Which someone said I had planned on doing. NATO has actually until now slipped out of my mind and I don't even think about it.

I get quite a bit ticked off when my OOC honor and word is being harmed and I ain't going to be nice about it. Sorry for those who can't handle it. But then again, if you can't handle it you shouldn't fabricate lies in the first place


Lord of Altera
EDIT: For example, Hero today was not able to recover the logs of what tybalt said, thus no proof, now Im not calling anyone out, but until Heroes computer coughs em up, or staff check it, this whole claim or rumor was entirely false, plain and simple.

Yet most of this "Rumor" came from players from Marr telling me OOCly that I had to empty the store, on a non-traceable platform; Audio on Teamspeak. Can we just drop this argument, as technical difficulties and issues of trust are being flung left, right, and center?


Lord of Altera
Yet most of this "Rumor" came from players from Marr telling me OOCly that I had to empty the store, on a non-traceable platform; Audio on Teamspeak. Can we just drop this argument, as technical difficulties and issues of trust are being flung left right and cente
By god who bloody told you of something like that? And I'm sure it was just a suggestion for RP purposes.


Lord of Altera
OKAY, let me get something straight guys @Man5791 @Valonyx this is not the first time, indeed but one of many, Tybalt has been accused by one of your members of doing something utterly stupid like this, there is no proof that this happens, and frankly, Tybalt is sick of it, its why hes acting that way, if this were the first time, perhaps it would have been differently adressed by @Tybalt . now IM not saying I commend him for being rude, in fact yesit is a little direspectful, but for him it gets to a point where you lose your patience, like it or not, it happens to the best of us, so, @Tybalt will try his best not to be rude anymore, but remember this is not the first time something like this has happened, so reacting like this is not entirely Unpredicted on his end.

EDIT: For example, Hero today was not able to recover the logs of what tybalt said, thus no proof, now Im not calling anyone out, but until Heroes computer coughs em up, or staff check it, this whole claim or rumor was entirely false, plain and simple.
Think about what you just said, Kyle. You just accused me of lying and making up rumors just so I or anyone i'm related to can have the ''pleasure'' to annoy or insult Tybalt. I though it should be clear by now that my goal is to help you, Tybalt, my own faction, Marr, and anyone else that wishes to have good RP, while still getting something on my end. I am annoyed that people keep thinking i'm going to be bad/being bad towards whatever person or group. If anything, I could very well die and create a new char that would be part of Marr, and I would be happy with it, it's not the point. Furthermore, please do not associate me with Man, for as much as some of his points are well-though sometimes, he is not part of any Lavoyard-Arcturus administration as far as I can tell, so please consider my words and his words separate.

Concerning Teamspeak, please refer to other help then me on that matter, you know that I was playing/bugging out on Europa Universalis with you yesterday evening, so I do not know if whatever happened was confirmed or true on all sides.

Sorry for being rude. But I don't like being called a liar or a thief.

I was told that someone was clearing Shop for OOC purpose of raiding. Which someone said I had planned on doing. NATO has actually until now slipped out of my mind and I don't even think about it.

I get quite a bit ticked off when my OOC honor and word is being harmed and I ain't going to be nice about it. Sorry for those who can't handle it. But then again, if you can't handle it you shouldn't fabricate lies in the first place
Well then it's simple, Tybs. The problem lies in inter-group communications, not in your ''OOC honor'' being harmed. If I had to be offended everytime my honor was attacked, I would be gone from Hollowworld at least a year ago, you gotta live with people's attitudes. Try to make your commands and orders clear, and doing so should prevent people from autonomously going around and claiming things that you didn't agree to/is not of general Marr census. If anything else, you should release the hounds towards those that started the rumors, not towards us and the Company. Sinclair is behaving in a totally business-wise way, and taking precautions towards what he was falsely informed. Since I have been repeatedly announced through the weeks that we were ''at war'' with Marr, but finally we weren't for whatever reason, I don't think unofficial threats should be taken seriously anymore, from all sides.

Now guys, can we please stay civil and engage in a respectful dialogue?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
aye, id like to know who said that then
Please exercise your ability to separate OOC from IC and investigate this issue with your character IF your character learns of it IC.

Whoa? Why the hell would we take your OOC items? Plus the items in the chest shops are locked from everyone.

I don't really care but I wasn't going to raid the place (and the person saying that on TS needs to shut his lying mouth c: )
Please be more polite about the other members of this community and understand that this organization (Along with the server) is an RP organization. Sinclair is doing the right thing by reacting ICly to IC threats.

:l. We aren't talking like businessmen here. I was told that I was accused of wanting to raid OOC items from your shop in Azerport. I'm OOC telling you that's bull.
You are starting to get out of hand. If this was an OOC issue, Sinclair likely would have contacted staff- as far as I am aware this is purely RP and you should treat it as such.

OKAY, let me get something straight guys @Man5791 @Valonyx this is not the first time, indeed but one of many, Tybalt has been accused by one of your members of doing something utterly stupid like this, there is no proof that this happens, and frankly, Tybalt is sick of it, its why hes acting that way, if this were the first time, perhaps it would have been differently adressed by @Tybalt . now IM not saying I commend him for being rude, in fact yesit is a little direspectful, but for him it gets to a point where you lose your patience, like it or not, it happens to the best of us, so, @Tybalt will try his best not to be rude anymore, but remember this is not the first time something like this has happened, so reacting like this is not entirely Unpredicted on his end.

EDIT: For example, Hero today was not able to recover the logs of what tybalt said, thus no proof, now Im not calling anyone out, but until Heroes computer coughs em up, or staff check it, this whole claim or rumor was entirely false, plain and simple.
As said above by multiple staff members- this is a ROLEPLAY ISSUE. It is NOT an attack on Humpfries OOC integrity.
If TYBALT, the CHARACTER, is sick of things then you and Humpfries should react accordingly- IN CHARACTER. ICly, not OOCly.

As an addition, your attitude has become increasingly hostile on the forums and TS lately, and I am not adverse to issueing a tempban for you to cool off a bit. This is a warning.

Sorry for being rude. But I don't like being called a liar or a thief.

I was told that someone was clearing Shop for OOC purpose of raiding. Which someone said I had planned on doing. NATO has actually until now slipped out of my mind and I don't even think about it.

I get quite a bit ticked off when my OOC honor and word is being harmed and I ain't going to be nice about it. Sorry for those who can't handle it. But then again, if you can't handle it you shouldn't fabricate lies in the first place
You could have easily talked to Sinclair or inferred from this thread that this was an IC and not an OOC issue. If Sinclair moved shop for OOC reasons he should have contacted a staff member and the appropriate measures would have been taken, and I do not believe that is the case here.

I am also very interested in hearing about these lies that are being told about you, and I invite anyone interested in settling the matter to PM me.

Yet most of this "Rumor" came from players from Marr telling me OOCly that I had to empty the store, on a non-traceable platform; Audio on Teamspeak. Can we just drop this argument, as technical difficulties and issues of trust are being flung left, right, and center?
As this is a roleplay server, the appropriate action would be to wait for the roleplay that leads to the store being removed. Taking IC action due to OOC influence is metagaming and I highly advise against it. If the store is griefed or otherwise tampered, the Staff are able to easily track whoever did so.

Also, thank you Valonyx for your post.