Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Buying Skull at high prices


Lord of Altera
Yes, I am in search of a skeleton head. These are quite rare, and I know its pretty early in the update to be asking for one, but I will pay up to 10, 000 radiants for one. Yes, that is right, 10,000 rads. How you aquire such an item, legally or.. questionably is not of my concern, just- inform me if any guards will come looking for it afterwards. Anyways, thank you for reading this!


Legend of Altera
XD Wow Wyv. I think I might just have to take that money off your hands. It looks mighty heavy. :p (Just kidding, I'll do it for free! Maybe)


Burner of Worlds
Do they even drop at the moment? I think only wither skeletons drop heads and they only spawn in nether fortresses generated after 1.4.2. Maybe in the next refresh of the nether...


Lord of Altera
Head drop is a single player feature at the moment. Only withers drop heads in multiplayer.


The only plugin I can see is the decapitation plugin. But that does player heads and not mobs.


Lord of Altera
I do have a wither skeleton head that i won in the fair. I might be willing to sell it for 10k rads :D
I also have my head and a random one that i don't know whose it is. If you want any of them, give me a shout.


Lord of Altera
I do have a wither skeleton head that i won in the fair. I might be willing to sell it for 10k rads :D
I also have my head and a random one that i don't know whose it is. If you want any of them, give me a shout.
Your skull shall be taken away. You did not win it, and you did not have a permission to take it!