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Finished [Chance on Lore Item!] The Riddler's Challenge [8 Sep]


The Green One
Retired Staff
For the parts I was there for, it was fun. Always love seeing your events P00f. ^u^


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Here's the solutions for those who attended the event. If you haven't done the dungeon yet and intend to do it, don't read the spoilers cause there'll be no fun in it once you know the solutions :p
The southern dungeon:
First room, the circular one with three doors, of which two are open. The sign says: "There is nothing to gain if you have nothing to lose" This indicates that you have to sacrifice 'something'. The thing that most people do is walk straight onto the pressure plate, but that will lock you behind the door. The key is to drop an item on both pressure plates, and the third door will open. Unless you have brought slaves to sacrifice! There is a lever on the other side of the door to keep the door open and release anyone who potentially got himself locked.
Second room, the redstone one with traps everywhere. The sign says: "Wealth may come at the cost of health" , this is a warning not to open any chests. The chests on the redstone layer will activate things, the chests on the stone layer will not. Activate the chest on the redstone layer at your right, when looking at the sign, to open the doorway. Watch out below, it spills lava. There is again a lever on the other side to keep the door open for your friends.
Third room, the one with the ledge and the four buttons. The sign says: "A great memory and a keen eye will today safe your life" this refers to the pit in which you arrive. There are four doors there of which one is the dungeon you went through. These doors signify Dawn, Noon, Dusk, and Midnight. You've walked through the noon door. If you press the noon button, the redstone wall at the bottom of the stairs will open and if someone goes through while you press it, they can flick a lever and keep the door open from the other side. Pushing any of the other buttons will result in you crashing down as the floor opens beneath you.
Fourth room, the one with the four levers and five symbols. The sign says: "Only where the sun does dwell is one able to read well" This refers to the directions of a compass. North, East, South, West. The sun never shines from the North, so the only symbols you would be able to read if the sign is right, are the ones on the East, South and West walls. These symbols hold a golden block in the following order: up, down, down, up. Match the levers with this code and the door opens.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Here's the solutions for those who attended the event. If you haven't done the dungeon yet and intend to do it, don't read the spoilers cause there'll be no fun in it once you know the solutions :p
The southern dungeon:
First room, the circular one with three doors, of which two are open. The sign says: "There is nothing to gain if you have nothing to lose" This indicates that you have to sacrifice 'something'. The thing that most people do is walk straight onto the pressure plate, but that will lock you behind the door. The key is to drop an item on both pressure plates, and the third door will open. Unless you have brought slaves to sacrifice! There is a lever on the other side of the door to keep the door open and release anyone who potentially got himself locked.
Second room, the redstone one with traps everywhere. The sign says: "Wealth may come at the cost of health" , this is a warning not to open any chests. The chests on the redstone layer will activate things, the chests on the stone layer will not. Activate the chest on the redstone layer at your right, when looking at the sign, to open the doorway. Watch out below, it spills lava. There is again a lever on the other side to keep the door open for your friends.
Third room, the one with the ledge and the four buttons. The sign says: "A great memory and a keen eye will today safe your life" this refers to the pit in which you arrive. There are four doors there of which one is the dungeon you went through. These doors signify Dawn, Noon, Dusk, and Midnight. You've walked through the noon door. If you press the noon button, the redstone wall at the bottom of the stairs will open and if someone goes through while you press it, they can flick a lever and keep the door open from the other side. Pushing any of the other buttons will result in you crashing down as the floor opens beneath you.
Fourth room, the one with the four levers and five symbols. The sign says: "Only where the sun does dwell is one able to read well" This refers to the directions of a compass. North, East, South, West. The sun never shines from the North, so the only symbols you would be able to read if the sign is right, are the ones on the East, South and West walls. These symbols hold a golden block in the following order: up, down, down, up. Match the levers with this code and the door opens.
Or, as an alternative for the last one, you need an Earthspawn that just found clay to guess the correct answer!