Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character Help


Lord of Altera
I am a Golem, which is awesome.. And rocky.. Rock on! :D

Bellon gave you great advice indeed. You should consider that you put in some personalities you
have yourself in real life as well. It makes your character much more alive and it makes it more realistic
as well. Like me for example, I'm stubborn and friends are for me something really precious. You just
don't call someone random a friend, so it is for me harder to make a friend, but when I got a real friend
I will devote myself towards that person. (This is the internet of course, something different then IRL, but
hopefully you get what I mean.)

If you want, we could meet up sometime in game and we will discuss your personality you play as. :D
I know he did :) . Also, I think it would be hard for me not to put some of my personality into my character, so no worries. And yes, I get what you mean (you commit yourself to protecting that person and preserving your friendship with them). Lastly, it would be fun to meet up sometime :)