Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Toraktaalomar


Lord of Altera
"The proud city of Toraktaalomar"
"Drukat ald mal khazdul"
Making your way off the balloon - expertly crafted, aesthetically pleasing, and adorned with the insignia of House Taalmarr - a cold, harsh and biting wind greets you. To step off, you find the dirt frosted and cracked. You begin to wonder what drew you to this place, and as you adjust to the chill, you glance ahead. Three mighty mountains paint the background, taller than any in Altera. Within the stone of the mountains, carved in excellence and artistic precision: three great Dwarven: Rock-Hammer, Gold-Beard, and Iron-Blood; between them lies great walls, arranged in a obscured triangular shape to ensure the surrounding of the entirety of the area. From what you can tell, each mountain retains it's own small society, houses and facilities etched, too, into the stone and curves of the mountain, the hustle and bustle of Dwarven and Human folk, attending their business, and socializing. Struck in awe, you stop and take it in, but an immense and ambient howl drags you and your intrigue further. As you peek ahead, you notice a large cavern, with a wide enough girth to engulf a large portion of a city the size of Port Silver. Great stairs snake their way down the cavern, and tunnels, bridges, buildings wind inside, making themselves prominent amongst the stairways. Within the cavern, society takes a life of it's own, independent of that on the surface: inns, smiths, merchants, banks, farms, apothecaries, resident housing, federal buildings, shops, guilds... At the very bottom, if you find the courage to lean over the edge, is red and orange, augmented with fire and molten, broiling, liquid. A warm breeze flows up and the chill in your bones retreat. At the center, a great forge, around it, a warm aura of energy that seemed to flow from the environment directly near to it... The famous Dwarven city of Toraktaalomar; home of the soul-forge [1].

[1]: Further explanation to come soon, after build completion, major and majority admin approval, and ironing-out of the lore behind it.

Toraktaalomar is home to House Taalmarr, located to the far northeast. Three mountains engraved with statues of dwarven representatives of each clan. At the center, between all three of the mountains is a huge "caldera". The caldera is the heart and lifeblood of the city, however the three mountains are also adorned with housing and residence for those upper-class dwarven that live there. The soul-forge as referenced is a magical forge, used to craft and enchant powerful magical armor, weapons and trinkets, and is the reason for the name, Toraktaalomar: soul-forge in dwarven tongue.​
As the build currently stands, we are getting started and will complete it within the next couple of months. It is a large build, taking the full of our man-power and occasionally outside assistance. We don't discourage help with this build, but we do take IC relations very seriously, and as it as much of a IC endeavor as much as an OOC build, you must first contact, befriend and convince us to let you help. As the build goes on, we will share pictures, plans, blueprints and statuses for each update and expected feature of the city.​