Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Command list



--==Help Commands==--
/noble help - Noble help
/noble title help - Title help
/noble house help - House help
/noble region help - Region help
/noble check <Player/Housename> - Check the HollowNobility status
/noble map - Will grant you an HollowNobility map

--== Title Commands ==--
/noble title buy - Buy nobility (Costs 50,000 radiants)
/noble title list - Lists available titles
/noble title use # - Use title
/noble title clear - Clear your title

--== House Commands ==--
/noble house create ID - Create house
/noble house disband - Disband your house
/noble house transfer <Playername> - Transfers ownership to a player
/noble house removeheir <Playername> - Removes heir
/noble house setheir <Playername> - Sets an heir
/noble house invite <Playername> - Invite a player into your house
/noble house remove <Playername> - Remove a player from your house
/noble house leave - Leave the house your in
/noble house deposit #
/noble house withdraw #
/noble house info <house>
/noble house online
/noble house settax 100r - Set tax to 100 radiants
/noble house settax 10% - Set tax to 10% of players total radiants
/noble house settaxfreq 1 - Set tax interval to 1 day

--== Region commands ==--
/noble region create <Regionname> - Create region
/noble region buyplot <Regionname> - Buy regio right
/noble region claimplot <Regionname. - Claims plot
/noble region unclaimplot - Unclaims plot
/noble region name <Full name> - Set full name of region
/noble region info <Regionname> - Information about region (or current chunk)
/noble region transferowner <Regionname> <Playername> - Transfer ownership(Owner only!)
/noble region delete <Regionname> - Deletes a region! No money is refunded!(Owner only!)

House chat commands:
/ch house
/ch h

Region commands:

View all the commands ingame:
/noble region help

Gain information about a region:
/noble region info <regionname>

Create a region:
/noble region create <regionname>

Buy an extra plot for a region:
/noble region buyplot <regionname>

Claim an extra plot for a region:
/noble region claimplot <regionname>

Add a player as a member to your region. This will mean this player is able to build and break inside your region, and do things like opening chests:
/region addmember <regionname> <playername> <playername> <playername> <playername> <playername>
For example: /region addmember awesomeregion bob steve steve james megan

Remove a player from your region:
/region remmember <regionname> <playername> <playername> <playername> <playername>

Add a player as an owner to your region, this will make it possible for this player to add or remove members to your region and set flags.
/region addowner <regionname> <playername>

The same, to remove an owner:
/region remowner <regionname> <playername>

Set a welcome message for your region:
/region flag <regionname> greeting <message>
For example: /region flag awesomehouse greeting Welcome to my house !
Set a goodbye message for your region:
/region flag <regionname> farewell <message>
For example: /region flag awesomehouse farewell Goodbye, come back soon !

You can change different types of flags within a region. A flag governs whether a certain function is enabled or not. A flag has three states: allow, deny and none. If you set a flag to 'none', it will turn it back to the default setting.

These are the flags you can change:

The mob-spawning flag will enable or disable the ability for mobs to spawn within your region.

/region flag <regionname> mob-spawning <allow/deny/none>
For example: /region flag awesomeregion mob-spawning deny

By default this setting is set to allow.

Allow: Will allow mobs to spawn.
Deny: Will stop mobs from spawning.

The PvP will allow/disallow PvP in the region.

/region flag <regionname> pvp <allow/deny/none>
For example: /region flag awesomeregion pvp deny

By default this setting is set to allow.

Allow: Will allow pvp in your region.
Deny: Will disallow pvp in your region.
This will allow/deny outsiders access to the chests within your region. It is recommended to lock your chests through lockette regardless of this setting !

/region flag <regionname> chest-access <allow/deny/none>
For example: /region flag awesomeregion chest-access none

By default this setting is set to deny.

Allow: Allow access to chests.
Deny: Deny access to chests.

This will allow/deny outsiders to use buttons, levers and such.

/region flag <regionname> use <allow/deny/none>
/region flag awesomeregion use deny

By default this setting is set to allow.

Allow: Allow the use of buttons, levers etc.
Deny: Deny the use of buttons, levers etc.

This will allow/deny the placement of vehicles(minecarts, boats) by outsiders within your region.

/region flag <regionname> vehicle-place <allow/deny/none>

By default this setting is set to deny.

Allow: Allow the placement of vehicles.Deny: Deny the placement of vehicles.
This will allow/deny the forming of snow within your region.

/region flag <regionname> snow-fall <allow/deny/none>

By default this setting is set to allow.
Allow: Allows snow to form.
Deny: Stops snow from forming.

The build flag will skip checking if someone is a member and will allow someone to either build or not build regardless.

/region flag <regionname> build <allow/deny/none>
For example: /region flag awesomeregion build deny

By default outsiders cannot build within your region and only when they become a member will they be able to build. Only change this setting in special circumstances. If you want to go back to default settings, simply setting this setting to 'none'.

None: This will revert back to the original state. Players who are not a member of your region will not be able to build inside it.

Allow: Will allow anyone to build, even those who are not a member of your region. This is useful if your region is open to the public.
Deny: Will allow noone to build in your region, not even members. Only owners will be able to build in the region. This is useful if you want to put your town in a lockdown.


Lord of Altera
Very useful!
Thank yew, Lars.
-------------^ You see what I did there?
... Cause.. It's a tree...