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Connection Issues.

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The Ghost of Altera
If people are having trouble connecting please post here. It seems to be people from the US and Australia.

This is nothing to do with our server and everything seems to be running normally here.

I am currently looking into the situation however you should check that people around you still have internet.

If anybody needs any help just replay here and we will do our very best to help.




I think it happened to mark (markisbeest) and im pretty sure hes from denmark...or one of the countries around there


Lord of Altera
It's been happening to me, but I live in the us, I called my Internet provider, and they said they have been having trouble on their end. IF YOU HAVE COMCAST/XFINITY INTERNET YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE GOING ON FORGEIGN WEBSITES/SERVERS IN THE WESTERN US.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Wow, Comcast actually admitted the problem was on their end? I'm shocked; that has to be a first for them.

I'm in the US, using Comcast, and I also have had connection issues.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Good. Someone needed to. No matter what the problem is, Comcast always tries to blame anything else that they can for bad service. It's good you were able to actually wring a confession out of one of them.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Where I live, Comcast is the only cable provider. I could switch to a satellite provider, but that means paying about double in costs, and getting about half the speed. So I'm pretty much stuck.


The Ghost of Altera
Where I live, Comcast is the only cable provider. I could switch to a satellite provider, but that means paying about double in costs, and getting about half the speed. So I'm pretty much stuck.
You've misunderstood, it's something the BBC say to cover themselves from 'promoting' a single product.

'Victoria sponges are amazing however other cakes are available'


I think I might like it here
I have Charter and it still sometimes crashes, but then again my computer is a bit further away from the router and doesn't have amazing connection. So who knows.
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