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Construct [Language/Violence]


King ForumStalker

Tynner ran across the abandoned wasteland of dust, every now and then checking behind him to make sure no one as following, leaping over the occasional piles of junk deposited on the otherwise barren floor. He came to a halt and the fence to catch his breath, and looked through the wire.
The fence sealed off the quarry from all sides, at least 4 metres high but thankfully not electrified. Tynner dropped the small pack he had with him and dumped it on the floor, coughing from the dust that was brought up, and from it took a small pair of wire cutters. He put his returned the pack to his back and went to work on the fence, snipping here and there, until he'd cut out a hole large enough for him to duck through.
Earlier this day, Tynner had been working in this very quarry, hammering away at the rock within looking for ores and minerals, having little success until he struck something that he had never seen before, a metallic material a bright grey colour which was completely undamaged by the pickaxe's blow. He dug the area around the hole he had made, attempting to find an edge, but the item appeared to be extremely large, 2 metres high and 2 metres wide of stone uncovered and it appeared to be a wall made out of the material. Upon closer inspection, Tynner noticed that the wall had some odd patterns on it, and promptly called over one of the supervisors. He checked the wall, then called his superior in a fancy office somewhere, and then informed them that they were to go home and tell no one of what happened.
Tynner knew that they were covering something up, and he wanted to find out exactly what it was and why they wanted it hushed.
The quarry appeared completely deserted, devoid of workers, guards or even scientists that he expected to see. What was going on? Why send everybody home and then call no one in to identify or resolve the issue? Tynner proceeded into the quarry shaft, again completely devoid of anything, grabbed the first ladder rung and started to descend into the darkness.

It was dark at the bottom, however Tynner was not one to come unprepared. He reached into his pocket and retrieved his flashlight, then proceeded down the tunnel he knew so well, the one he had worked in for years, the one with the object.
After a few minutes, Tynner arrived in the furthermost chamber, 3 metres tall and roughly 5 metres wide in all directions, the wall was almost directly ahead of where he entered. It appeared to be glowing slightly, a bluish light emanating from the material, and slightly illuminating the cavern. Without hesitating, Tynner marched over to where the wall was, and started to examine it, looking at the markings, and the material. He had never seen any material that looked or acted like this one before, it looked to be almost impossibly smooth, and no metal he had ever seen glowed. He pressed a hand to it, cold and solid, how hard was it? It had shrugged off the hit from the pickaxe as though it were made of sponge.
Tynner continued to brush his hand over the wall, until he saw an oddity in the pattern. There appeared to be a neat circle connecting two off the lines at shoulder height. Odd, why did the pattern change so suddenly here? He pressed his palm against the circle.
Clunk! A violent clatter could be heard behind the wall, the circle started glowing blue, and a split appeared in the wall directly ahead of him, a harsh white light bursting out in front of him, blinding him.
Tynner tried to open his eyes, but the light was still too bright, tiny stars bursting inside his eyelids. He tried to get up, and as he did the light seemed to fade slightly, enough so that Tynner could open his eyes. He looked into the gap left in the wall.
And something was coming.
Tynner froze, aware of the shape approaching him. He couldn't identify it, but it had no legs, floated in the air and was made of rigid edges. As it drifted closer, he saw that it too was made of a metal similar to the wall, a machine of some sort. It was about a metre high and wide from top to bottom and side to side, thick appendages met in the middle to form the odd machine, a single blue light in the centre somewhat resembling an eye.
Tynner started to panic, he had no idea what this thing was, and most importantly if he was safe. He picked up a nearby rock and raised his arm, as if gesturing a threat. Come any closer and I'll throw it.

The machine did not stop, so Tynner lobbed the rock at it. It struck it on the top with a clean "thud" knocking it down a few inches. However, not only did the oddity appear completely undamaged, it's eye turned a bright red colour, as if it was angry. Tynner turned to run, but an electrical jolt hit him in the ankle, dropping him to the floor causing him to shudder violently, like he was having a seizure. He managed to turn over just in time to see the construct hover over his chest, before a secondary light appeared just beneath its eye, this one a slight orange.

The light grew, and Tynner felt agony, and then nothing.

Chapter 1:
Alumi pulled her hand out of the pile of junk, wincing at the pain. A large cut was visible across her palm, bleeding but luckily not too deep, small red rivers trickling down her arm. She shoved an old cushion out of the way and found the culprit, a jagged edge on a rusted iron sheet.
Alumi brushed her coppery red hair out of her face with her good hand and sat down on a broken loveseat. She examined her haul, which consisted of two steel pipes and a battery, not bad but nowhere near the four hours it took to find it all. She sat down and took a copper flask from her belt, guzzling water, clearing her throat of the dust, rust and other nasties that had taken temporary residence in her mouth.
Alumi loved what she did, scavenging parts and materials for her father's workshop, and she was good at it too. Technically it was illegal to take parts from the wasteland as effectively they were on the Corporation's land, but no one every enforced this rule because the piles and piles of junk were just that, junk, no use to anyone except people who needed that junk to survive. Even the local law enforcement turned a blind eye.
Alumi packed up her haul into a white sheet, tied a knot at where the corners met and turned back home. It only took 10 minutes to get back
