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[Contest] Andromeda


Legend of Altera
(I don't actually expect this to win)
Location: Lies at the far edge of the universe (think about it)

-Human: You know what they are.
-Lizard: Lizard humanoids that reside in the Northern continent.
-Yeti: Tall, furry humanoids that reside in the Southern Continent.
Yeti.jpg -(they are not giant brutes this is exactly what they would look like)
-Elves: Again No explanation, exept they came from trees and were once demons
-Demon: No explanation, say for the race of ant like creatures that were so smart they left there "demon" lineage behind and reside on the vanishing Island (much like Atlantis except its on a giant turtle)

World Itself:
Unlike most worlds Andromeda is about 10 times larger than planet earth, and it rotates on it side like Uranus. Its top and bottom clash as the top is a large desert and the bottom is a large Icy and snowy wasteland ... with trees. It has a western world and eastern world where on has two large continents and the other has many isles, almost every place has its own lore and myth. The world has a type of world government much like One Piece except few pirates, who unlike your traditional pirates live like gypsies on an island in the middle of what is known as the tropical isles and is shrouded in a thick fog wherein only they know the correct route as to not get smashed into pieces.

Creation: It begins at the start of something else, see the universe is divided between good and evil, but sometimes they collect like dust in a filter and that is what happened for a being known as "Wzsczswhe" or Ragnagrok in our tongue came together from all the evil thoughts and deeds of every living creature in existence at that time. He then gave himself his name and upon having a lust to rule with a world void of good created "Nhzu" literally translating to coal, by dragging space rock and fusing them together with ethereal energy he put a dying star as its core molding his perfect world of darkness and set it between three solar giants and gave it three moons. Thus the world came into being, he then put as many a demon on it ranging from the tiniest to the largest and Andromeda is that of our suns size but 10 times it. That is all I shall say for now.

Legend: The Wizard and the Ice Dragon

Long ago before valley pass was known as Blizzard pass there lived a retired old wizard whose name is lost to time, who with him lived with his niece whose parents had died of sickness long ago. They resided in a small hut deep within the lush plains that once lay there, and upon one morning the old man left to gather firewood for the coming winter while his niece was left to tend to the garden out back of the hut. When the old man began chopping trees he had gone through about 3 when he heard a large crackling of thunder and an earthquake as it seemed the mountain was splitting open and down from the north a large dragon of pale scales and a sapphire eye appeared with a gust of wind blowing the old man on his back, following it with his gaze he saw it was headed for his home. Getting up as fast as he could the old wizard ran as fast as he could home only to find that winter had come early as he trudged through the snow he noticed his niece was not there and the roof was pried open and only a shoe was left. Furious the old wizard took his axe and smashed through the floor boards beneath him and took out some old robes and hat for in his days as a wizard he was still considered the most powerful and wisest of all. He gathered his magical items and trekked to where he could still hear it roaring and found it after a long while on a mountain peak, his niece was nowhere to be found so thus the wizard shouted “Where is she you monster!” and conjured a powerful lightning bolt and threw it at the beast the beast charged at him thus creating a long battle that would end in its demise, what happened is unknown after that moment for it said that he slayed the great beast and took its sapphire eye and put up a barrier and sealed the evil beast so it may never be awakened again. Thus today the pass is known as Blizzard Pass as a blizzard always rages within. They say the old man died a few weeks later and that was it, though many believe the eye to be an object to intensify a magical user’s ability so they search and find nothing for the old wizard is still the greatest of all.


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