Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Contest] Donkea


Lord of Altera
"Welcome Child.. You find yourself in a land that is.. in trouble. Long ago, there was a great Kingdom that rose from the ground, and brought all the people together, but alas the peace and prosperity soon crumbled as they where attacked, and their empire fell. The people that once called this place home, Fled from there attacker, only to be chased.

The land you find yourself, is long forgotten, and the armies of the Invaders.. are unknown. Though this world has many perils still. The monsters you find at night are those who where left unchecked and shall attack you at any chance they get...

Let me introduce to you the Tribe of which you, and your friends where brought too.. it is up to you to lead your civilization, and help raise these lands into what they once where. Raise from the Ashes, and beat back the evil that claims this world!"
