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[Contest] Eldon


Lord of Altera
History of Eldon
By: Gorad of the Magi​
The Departure of Man
In the beginning there was just one island in the world of Eldon, a world of oceans. This island was home of the Magi. An ancient and majestic race closely related to Men but were infused with Magics. This gave them ability akin to gods. The magi helped the Men on the island build and thrive. The Men in return prayed to the Magi as their gods. A few Magi even taught magic to the Men. These Men along with the Magi called upon the elements to create new islands to settle and explore. Soon the Race of men left the Magi's island. The Magi, in time, built a great keep upon the island to reside in and study the deep mystery of Magics. The found three basic rules. One, Magic must be channeled through a physical being. Two, the cost of using magic is part of one's life force. Three, Eldon has a mirror image to it, and the Magi called this the Nether.

The formation of the Hark'rah and the Culling of the Magi
But there was a group of Magi who found dark secrets. Secret ways to preserve your life force in using of magics. Secret ways to reanimate the dead at your control. These Magi who discovered this called themselves the Hark'rah, in the ancient language meaning Necromancer. Their leader, Ender, was the smartest and the most sly of the Hark'rah. The Hark'rah rose up against there former brethren with armies of Skeletons and Zombies. Some of the Magi knew what the Hark'rah were planning and were prepared when the Hark'rah attacked. The Magi commanded the elements against the undead armies. Earth and stone rose out of the ocean. Fire rained form the sky. The Nether and Eldon twisted over each other at points. Mountains were raised, lands cracked, and waters flooded. Eldon itself shook with the battle. Noting was unscarred. The Magi, not knowing how to preserve their life force, took heavy losses. They retreated deeper and deeper into their once grand keep. Every dead body brought back undead to fight on against their former brothers. The remaining Magi, greatly outnumbered, banded together in a last attempt to save Mankind from the Hark'rah. They poured their combined life force into three acts of powerful magic. First, the Magi created an alternate dimension that only contains one floating island of white stone. Second, they warped the Hark'rah's very being into something new. The limbs and body elongated and turned completely black. Third, the Magi banished the Hark'rah to the dimension of the white stone island. The ancient keep of the Magi was abandon to the undead. Only I escaped, hidden in time.

The Alefs, The Dvars, and the Aqwhid
The war between the Magi and the Hark'rah did not leave the race of Men unscathed. Most of their race died out and those that survived went into hiding. Some went to hide in the forests, the caves and mountains, the waters, and the plains. Others were warped by the magics released in the fighting and were never seen for 563 years. In the forests the Men slowly changed. They became taller, more agile. They lived in the treetops and became expert archers. They called themselves Alefs. The Men who fled to the caves changed too. They became burly and strong, masters of metal and stone. They were the Dvars. They build great cites on and in the mountains, very fortress-like. For they and the Alefs were never at peace. The Men who fled to the water were the men who knew magics from the Magi. They gave themselves fins, webbed hands, and webbed feet and they survived excellently in the waters of Eldon. They called themselves the Aqwid. The Aqwid were diplomats, they worked for peace between the Alefs and the Dvars. After 63 years of fighting there was peace. A great age of peace that lasted 500 years. 500 years of growth and trade between the three nations. But all that changed in the War of the Three Races.

The War of the Three Races
The long forgotten Race of Men in the plains became horse masters and built a large and powerful army in their stronghold of Urbat. The Men rode out to the Alef's lands. The Alefs, so focused on the Dvars, were caught completely unprepared and lost all but their major cites within one week. The Aqwhid watched in terror but were helpless against the Race of Men because the Aqwhid were a peaceful people with no weapons. The Aqwhid sought out protection by going to the Dvars. The Dvars wanted nothing to do with war for their army was of a token size and inadequately equip from many years of peace. The Aqwhad in desperation turned to the forgotten races. Only one answered the plea, The longtime enemy of the Aqwhid, The Endermen. The Endermen are decedents of the Hark'rah who have escaped the dimension of the island of white stone through portals created bu the tampering of magics by the mortal races. With a odd change of heart the Endermen pledged support to the Aqwhid and the Alefs and marched on the army of Men. The Men did not know of the Endermen and were driven off quickly, back to their stronghold of Urbat. The Endermen, now with no real enemy, quickly turned on the Aqwhid and slew them all, down to the last child. In desperation he Aqwhid, like the Magi before them, banished the Endermen back to the dimention of the island of white stone using the last of their Magic. Thus the Aqwhid passed from Eldon.

The Teacher
In the aftermath of the war, a women going by the name of The Teacher was said to wander the lands of the known lands of Eldon. She is said to be part Magi, part Hark'rah, and very reclusive. She traveled to many of the races, known and forgotten, and helped rebuild and established kings and kingdoms. It is said where she walked, prosperity followed. I have heard of this "Teacher", I have seen her. She is, in fact of Magi blood, but I thought that the race of ancient Men and I were the only survivors of that horrible war 3,000 years ago, the Culling of the Magi. She is one to be watched. Watched very closely for she, like me, is almost immortal. There is more to her than she says or shows. I feel she will have a hand in the shifting coming to Eldon, I feel it.

Warnings to you, My reader. Warnings of Eldon
Something is coming, a new age in Eldon. The Teacher has been heard muttering about Ender and the dimension of the island of white stone. Peace between the races is tentative and frail. Men have rebuild Urbat. The Alefs have been pushing toward the Dvar's borders. The Dvar's capital of Deepforge has banished all other races from within it. The other forgotten races are coming to light and settling in the lands. There is talk of fighting in the south. Endermen have been seen again in the night, bu with new allies; zombies, Skeletons, and creatures called Creepers. Eldon is changing again. BEWARE!


Lord of Altera
Spicific things to be added in the Map:
LARGE forests.
Steep Mtns.
The capital of the Dvars; Deepforge
the ruined keep of the Magi
the stronghold of Urbat.
other small settelments.