Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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~Cookie's Potions~


Loyal Servant of Altera
Welcome to Cookie's potions! Here you can mix and match your potions, I have a price list for each individual ingredient (Apart from gunpowder until the splash potion permissions are fixed). I can deliver to you (Home or at spawn), or you can meet me at my Brewery in Caldwell or home in Wintermourne! You can contact me on this page or in game.
Ingredient Price List:
Redstone: 10 rads
Glistering Melon: 20 rads
Golden Carrot: 120 rads
Fermented Spider Eye: 18 rads
Sugar: 1 rad
Glowstone: 50 rads
Blaze Powder: 80 rads
Slimeball: 40 rads
Spider eye: 10 rads
Awkward Potion: 10 rads
Ghast Tear: 150 rads
Magma Cream:120 rads
(If you think any of these prices are unreasonable, please notify me so I can reconsider!)
Prices apply per potions.
Happy buying!