Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Creating regions



Creating a region is very simple and easy to use. First of all you need to be a noble to be able to create regions. You can read how to become a noble here.

Creating regions with our nobility plugin works just like towny but uses worldguard for setting flags and adding members.

To start creating a region simply type:

/noble region create <regionname>

Creating a region will cost you 50,000 radiants.

This will create a region and claim a plot on the place you are standing on.

One thing that is important to understand with this is that our nobility plugin uses the same system that Towny uses for claiming plots. This means that wherever you stand, it will always claim the plot correspond to the same chunk you are standing. A chunk is a 16*16 blocks.
You can check information about your region by typing:

/noble region info <regionname>

To view a live map of your regions type:

/noble map

After you have created your region, you can expand it by claiming additional plots outside the first plot that was claimed for you when creating your region. What you first need to do is buy the ability to claim more plots. You can do this by typing:

In this command you put the same name as the region you created.

/noble region buyplot <regionname>

Buying a plot will cost you 2,500 radiants.

This will give you the right to claim an extra plot. So if you had checked your region info before buying a plot, it would have said "Plots: 1/1" meaning 1 out of a maximum of 1 plots are claimed. If you check your region info now, it will say "Plots: 1/2" meaning 1 out of two maximum plots are claimed. You can claim this plot by typing:

In this command you put the same name as the region you created.

/noble region claimplot <regionname>

This will claim the plot you are standing on.

You can keep on buying more plots and claiming more as you see fit. You can also create as many regions as you wish.

Learn how to manage you regions here.
View the entire command list here.