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[Cult] The Underforge


Loyal Servant of Altera

"Who THE HELL WE ARE?! Good! You're not suppose to know! HAHAHA!"


CULT NAME: The Underforge


FOUNDER: Faith Meadow




The Mantle of Craft | Korog
The slightest intent breath of a cult member upon a forge's coals will stir it as a bellows would. Cult members tend to take on dwarven features, such as a stockier frame or fuller beard, and members that are dwarves find their own tastefully accentuated.

KOROG (OOC: Green means got it, Red means no)
[x] Their voice becomes more metallic in tone, and louder, more bold.
[x] Clapping their hands or hitting a surface sounds like something metal hitting the surface.
[x] Their touch can subtly inspire a creative urge.



To welcome new members, the founder and current leader will begin to hit an anvil as a tradition to welcome new members into the cult. Even though they do not see themselves as such as they'd begin to make a custom pendent for the new members to wear as a badge of pride. It can be made out of copper as a place holder till getting to apprentice then it must be remade as bronze.

Part of the cult for those who have been around awhile will gain their 2nd passive as the sound of clapping their hands or hitting a surface like something metal hitting the surface is a drinking competition along with celebrating their accomplishments of their craft as they bring one thing, they are proud about this can be something as simple as a fire iron sword or something of the next tier in the crafting system after novice.

As the cult grows so do their goals, some members will put on their robes heading towards the hills and the mountains to assist in a clensing of sorts to gather the materials that have been unfairly used to create things such as starblood in the right hands minerals can be used for great things. They will begin to study the materials that have been used in the underforge at Golden Coast along with praying to korog to find out what is wrong with the materials to be used in such a way. If it is magical the mages will be prepared to assist the members having their time to shine as scholars.

[x] Restore things in the buildings/weapons to their former glory. (Assisting with Cathedral)
[x] Make items for other cults/organizations.
[x] Destroy things that have been touched by demons such as things they value. This depends on the item.
[x] Give Korog the domain of sound.

/ Private for
8/13/2023 - They would begin the construction for a homestead to restore it, they had succeeded and begin a bit of an expansion. They'd begin to plan a secret forge of sorts

- 8/14/2023 Faith begun the first ceremony to welcome Frost and Fjord into the underforge.

- 8/16/2023 Faith held a ceremony for Judah Leatheraxe to obtain his passives and welcome him into the cult.

-8/20/2023 Faith had held a small celebration for Fjord along with using this as a time to go and give Korog an piece of armor that Fjord had made Korog.

-8/26/2023 Faith had welcomed Gwennora into the cult officially and held a ceremony to welcome her back into the land of the living along with celebrating Korog.

-8/30/2023 Held a cult ceremony to destry a non magical pendent of Dranoden that Melarue gave him.

-9/17/2023 Faith and another member of the Underforge went on a Journey to get rid of an undead effigy. Their goals begun to slowly shift as Skraag continues messing up things.2023-09-17_17.09.41.png

-9/21/2023 Had furthered Kethrons faith with the Underforge as she casted Baptism on him.

-10/18/2023 Faith had recruited Ruckus to teach him about Korog and neutrality making him a less sad man!

Thorkell Meadow (Sekci)
Judah Leatheraxe (Fourbros)
Faith Meadow (Si10k)
Frost Fletcher (Fronslin)
Fjord Valdisson (Prince_Akuma27)
Gwennora Runespine (SaloDree)
Kethron (Heie_)
Josiah Meadow (poke9dude)
Nanna Alnadda (CutePonyo)

This is a cult and an organization mixed into one. Something for those who wish to be apart of the town I am currently making still as I claim the plots for it.
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