Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Dante Lefur


Lord of Altera
Name: Dante Lefur
Nickname/Alias: Inferno
Age: 22
Gender: m
Race: Human
Height: 6'2
Weight: 159
Eyes:1 brown 1 red
Skin:half burnt
Identifying Marks: face half burnt
Strengths: very good marksman
Weaknesses and fears:hes afraid of fire and lava
Religion and cults: none
Profession: archer

Background story:
Dante was raised by his uncle Lucian in a small town named Cape_Lucian until he turned 18. The day of his 18 he went off to join the Golden Crusaders. But the Golden crusaders didn't take him. They said he wasn't brave enough to join they're cause.So in his frustration he was tricked into the nether by a follow of Queen Grief to prove to them how Brave he was.
When he arrived it wasn't like any thing he imagined it to be like it was full of monsters and other wild creatures he never knew about. There were flying white ghast, slimes made of lava, and pigs that stood on two legs and carried swords. He got lost and spent 4 years of his life in that hellish place until one day he saw the most beautiful thing he has ever saw. It was a arch way that was purple and making peculiar sounds. He walked towards it when all of a sudden
he was hit with a ghast ball that sent him flying toward the arch way........

When he woke up he was back in altera. But it was a lot different then he remembered. He was taken by a unknown man who used dark magic on him to heal his wounds from the blast. But it also infused him with a Demon from the nether whose was a mystery to all until now.Dante finally escaped the madman's clutches by help of the demon.
Now dante was on a quest to find his uncle so he asked around pubs and other things of the sort until one day he learned his uncle too had demon in him which drove him crazy and made him kill himself. From that day forward Dante vowed to himself to seek revenge on Queen Grief and all her minions and to stop the corruption from destroying us all.