Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Edward Tale, Average Traveller


Lord of Altera
Edward Tale

Name: Edward Tale
Full Titles: Smith Edward tale
Nickname/Alias: Smith, Smithy

[Someone make me a picture pwease :heart:]

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Social Status: Worker

Sexuality: Straight

Height: He is around 5'10

Weight: Edward works daily, so he weights around 159lbs from muscle gain

Date of Birth: Thronesday 13th of Stormwind 2236

Date of Death: -- --

Homeland: Port Silver

Current Home: -- --


Build: Edward works a lot, mining ore's and casting blades for selling. So he's a strong man, not 'buff', but strong.

Hair: His hair is short and pitch black, flicking over his forehead. He also sports a goatee.

Eyes: Edward has the eyes of his father, dark green.

Skin: He withholds a tanned skin tone, travelling a lot.

Identifying Marks: He's really just an average man, his hair might stand as it was unusual to have short hair in such a way.

Appearance: At a first glance you wouldn't look back, nothing special, just the usual traveller.

Clothing: He wears a white cloth shirt with a black leather apron on top and a brown leather belt
to hold it to his waist, some cloth leggings with black buckled leather boots. He also wears a silver
chain around his neck, which he made himself. He on occasion likes to wear a silver crown his father made for him when he was young, not outside of course.

Weaponry: Edward makes weaponry, so he isn't exactly short of a sword. Although he carries around a large array of weapons he only uses two, his hammer and a standard steel sword - which has seen many fights.

Prized Possessions: His necklace, although its just a chain of iron that he made himself he holds great 'pride' in it, and his crown.

Hygiene: He washes wherever he can. Lakes, rivers or streams.

Voice: Edward shouts a lot, because of the work he does so his voice is worn out and raspy. Although he sounds like a tramp he knows how to speak, fluently.


Strengths: He is skilled at smithing, and knows his way around most swords. He isn't the best at fighting but he knows how to fend for himself.

Fears: Edward fears rats, he doesn't like to show it though.

Weaknesses: He is really sympathetic, which can be a barrier while fighting. If someone acts out of their self to eg. get out of a fight he will believe them, gullible you could say.

Intelligence:He has a hawkeye for good smithing, and he can read. So you could say he is intelligent enough.

Languages: Common and a bit of Elvish from all of his travelling.

Profession: Smith


Personality: Edward is a friendly guy, not wanting to get into fights on purpose but is equipped when he has to be. He is very sympathetic and thinks twice before doing anything that might make someone upset or sad, he gives people almost too many chances and doesn't believe in revenge. He falls for people easily and is emotional when the slightest thing happens to them, which could be a downside. When Edward is angry he will try and hide it but there is a point where he will snap, and because he hardly ever gets overly angry he will let most of his anger out. He is helpful and will usually make time to help a fellow being out. Overall a sensitive, but mature man.

Religion or Cults: He follows Bilworth, as his family and bloodline did. A son of trade, kin of travel.

Alignment: Having travelled so much around Altera Edward is neutral with all races and war.

Short Term Goals: To find a home and set up shop.

Long Term Goals: To become a known smith and settle with a wife.


Place: Port Silver's lake

Pastime: Smithing, fishing and swordsmanship.

Food: Bread, Pork and anything with Tuna.

Drink: Milk, and Rum.

Colour: Dark purple.

Animal: Fox.

Least Favourite...

Place: Anywhere he hasn't travelled.

Pastime: Politics, and Religion

Food: Edward absolutely loathes chicken, he doesn't know why.

Drink: Cheap alcohol, or expensive alcohol.

Colour: Pink.

Animal: Chicken, or sheep.


Loved: Parents
Unsure of:
Wary of:
Afraid of:


My in-game name is: Culneaj


Lord of Altera
I need to work on the look of this post but, until further notice its staying like a novel.