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Missing Eibisch von Belmont


Lord of Altera
(under heavy construction. I have accidentally mangled the template that was gifted to me by Ruu)


Name: Eibisch von Belmont
Reason or meaning of name: Hibiscus or Marshmallow, depending on whether or not you intend to bully him.
Titles: N/A
Character’s nicknames:N/A
Reason for nickname: N/A
Birthdate: He doesn't remember.
Current Status: Engaged in divers studies and pastimes

Physical Appearance
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Age: He cannot quite recall. Odd. He appears no older than his mid-late 30s, however.
Sexual Orientation: Maybe
Marital Status: No!
Common: Fluent
Rede: Native

Weight: He is skinny, so skinny.
Height: 5'8"
Body build: Inverted triangle
Shape of face: Round
Eye color: Bright Green!
Skin tone:Pale.
Distinguishing marks:
His nose is crooked, as if broken and healed incorrectly.
Predominant features: N/A
Hair color:Black
Type of hair:Slightly curly, almost invariably messy despite efforts to tame it.
Hairstyle: Messy!
Hygiene:He bathes regularly, as the situation permits it.
Voice:Bel Canto Baritone. Projectable and boisterous, on occasion.
Tattoos : N/A

Eibisch is an odd fellow, a little man fascinated by many things, especially forms of living things, and more especially animals. He is blunt and inquisitive, almost blasé, at an adjacency to many typical needs and wants of people. He fancies himself kin to the birds and the serpents, and is not used to the hustle and bustle and jostling crowds of settlements.

Good personality traits: He is curious, openminded, studious, and temperate or even almost monastic of appetite.
Bad personality traits:
Those who know him deeply know he can be blunt or even inconsiderate of the needs of those who he does not directly know. Those who do know him find him quick to defend the honor of a loved one who he believes to have been wronged, but it is a double=edge sword: his temper, when it comes to such things, is venomous and unhidden.
Mood character is most often in: It depends on who you are.
Sense of humor: The contrasting extremes of Slapstick and Incredibly Verbose
Character’s greatest joy in life: Currently,[/COLOR] HIS FAMILY.
Character’s greatest fear: The loss of his family.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: [/COLOR]The loss of his family again.
Character is most at ease when: In the woods, having one-sided conversations with animals.
Most ill at ease when: In a crowd.
Enraged when: People insult or wrong his family.
Depressed or sad when: His weakness or lack of use is demonstrated.
Character’s soft spot: His sisters and nieces
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Probably.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: YOU WOULD WOULDN'T YOU?
Biggest regret: Wandering so long alone.
Minor regret: A lot.
Biggest accomplishment: x
Minor accomplishment: x
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Gambling debt, and the circumstances under which he commenced his sojourns in the woods.
Character’s darkest secret: HHHHHHHH
Does anyone else know?: A few.

Color: For plants, Green. And for cats, ginger.
Least favorite color: It is hard to find a color that he couldn't like under SOME circumstance.
Music: Orchestral
Food: Sweets!
Plant: Hibisicus, naturally. But also Yellow Roses.
Literature: Academic of any sort.
Form of entertainment: Tied between opera and observation of fauna.
Most prized possession: x

Combat and Skills

Peaceful or Violent: Violent, but only in necessity or in moments where he lacks clarity.
Weaponry: x
Combat Training: x
Skill List:
(Under Construction)


Health and Timeline
Illness: Persistent post-concussive syndrome
Sleeping Habits: Sporadic and at odd hours.
Energy Levels: Alternating between hyperactivity and lethargy.
Eating Habits: Irregular
Exercise Habits: He is constantly on the move, mostly some form of running.
Memory: Regular.
Unhealthy Habits: He has a... a number.


Hometown: Somewhere in Anhald
Type of childhood: Unpleasant
Pets: Fritz, a crow that he often fed birdseed from his bedroom window.
First memory: A rolling field of flowers.
Most important childhood memory: A hibiscus-flower, in bloom out of a ribcage.
Why?: "I need to get out of here."
Childhood hero: Isabelle Belmont, his sister.
Dream job: Scholar
Education: Under his father's tutelage.
Religious Inclination: Apathy.
Finances: Middle-nobility.


Current location: Storm's Landing
Currently living with: Isabelle and whoever is living with her.
Animals: Fritz, a Ginger Cat. Additionally, a whole host of nameless experimental subjects he catches.
Religious Inclination: Apathy.
Occupation: Scholar(?)




Lord of Altera

+ R E L A T I O N S +

The Family

+ Name: Bliss
+ Impact on Eibisch: Eibisch has only fairly recently met his eldest niece, and not much longer before then learned of her existence. He nevertheless sees her as family, and thus worth protecting and cultivating a deeper bond with.
+ Theme: x

+ Name: Cherysh
+ Impact on Eibisch: Eibisch has only fairly recently met his second-eldest niece. Of the three of them, he finds much common ground with Cherysh in particular owing to their shared love of the natural world and preference for the solitude of the wilderness. He thus looks forward to speaking with her again.
+ Theme: x

+ Name: Eloise Belmont
+ Impact on Eibisch: His sister’s youngest child and thus something to be fiercely protective of as well as lavished with affection and entertainment. An endearing little lump. One day to be a master of Opera, or so he likes to jest.
+ Theme: x

+ Name: Isabelle Belmont
+ Impact on Eibisch: His sister! His childhood hero and idol! Reunited at last after a long time spent away from home. There is perhaps no greater attachment to ‘civilized’ life than her, at present.
+ Theme: x

The Rest

+ Name: “Frau Persimone” (Ani)
+ Impact on Eibisch: An amicably-regarded face, to which he owes the present company of his cat Fritz to. He does not mind the silence on the other end of the conversation, he is still used to it.
+ Theme: x

+ Name: Frost
+ Impact on Eibisch: A friend of Isabelle’s who has graciously gifted him a small amount of alchemy supplies. Generally regarded well, additionally curious about in light of some small tidbits of information shared.
+ Theme: x

+ Name: Valtae
+ Impact on Eibisch: One of the first people he spoke to upon his arrival here, and one of the most frequently-encountered since. Held in some amount of regard, as well as recognizes her for their shared interest in the animal kingdom.
+ Theme: x
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
first past for relations done. if you would like to be added? please let me know


Lord of Altera
Eibisch has once again sought out the peace of the woods, his solitude and his discomfort sleeping under the stars. Who knows how long he shall speak and sing to his crows, his frogs, and his serpents? Only time will tell if, having fled again, he shall ever return.