Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Eli Seviin's Profile.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Eli Seviin
Nickname/Alias: Hawk
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5" 11
Weight: 69Kg | 11St
Hair: Brown with blonde highlights
Eyes: Brown
Skin: White with a discolouration across his back.
Identifying Marks: Scar from right shoulder to left hip across back.
Appearance: Wears a dark leather and chain-mail suit with a purple scarf and a chain hood.
Strengths: Emotionally Strong, Strong pain threshold.
Weaknesses and fears: Suffers from Arachnophobia, A fear of caves.
Religion and cults: None
Profession: Mercenary/Wanderer/Builder
Alignment: Chaotic Good.


Loyal Servant of Altera
This is Eli's Backstory and also his diary.

~ Scroll to the bottom for some easy listening whilst reading through this. My personal preference and it may not suit others.
~Time to pick up more on my characters roleplay in-game.
~I understand writing was scarce during the period this roleplay is set in, but given it's also fantasy I expect writing is slightly more commonplace, if not just say so and I'll change my character accordingly.
~Feedback is welcome as long as it remains constructive. If something remains unclear I'll try and fix it and answer questions.
~For the sake of reading, I'll keep the spelling and grammar constant.
~Though not physical, this book would be found in Eli's house hidden under his desk.

*The book has a worn bind, pages being loose and falling to the floor as you pick it up*
*The title reads "A book of my life" with Eli written next to it in a scrawl almost illegible.*
*A fresher page lays behind the cover, stuck in with an adhesive resembling sap from a plant*
"I stole this book as a child from my father. He spent hours reading books and writing his own; Writing his daily actions, his thoughts and even sometimes writing his own adventures, made up of-course as he never owned a sword or any other type of arm. When I stole this book it was just another of the blanks laying around his study, though this one stood out to me at the time, I can't fathom why."
*The note ends there, some ink soaked into the page*
*You turn the page, the text instantly losing form and the handwriting alike that on the cover*
"I stole this book from father today when he went outside. Mother says he has to work, but I don't understand why. We live in this nice house and we always get nice food so what does he work for?"
*The next few pages are full of crossed out paragraphs and illegible text*
*The text yet again changes form, some vocabulary exceeding the bulk of the writing, the handwriting showing signs of improvement*
"I hate these lessons mother has been giving me. She says I need to write better before I grow up, like father does. I don't want to write books like father does though; I like writing in here sometimes so I know what I was like when I grow up, but I don't write besides here"
*The writing here has had ink spilled across it recently, though the ink stain shows control and is defined, only covering the single line*
"Father says I'll have to start helping around the house because mother is getting old. I don't like growing older, I wish I could stop it."
*The entry stops there, another below is obviously from a later date*
"Mother fell today in the garden, I had to get help from a passerby to move her inside. Father was working again when it happened and didn't find out until he came home. He said mother is sick and just needs time to recover, and until she's back on her feet I need to be as helpful as possible."
*The entry ends, another marked below is from two weeks later*
"Mother is still sick. She's been in bed since she fell, and I've had to empty her bedpan and make sure she stays warm and fed. She said she'll be fine and with the love I'm showing she'll be back to normal before I know it. Father said that I need to start cleaning up too. He gave me a one of his books and said I should draw in it when I feel bored."
*The entry ends halfway down the page, the rest blank. You turn the page over to find an entry from a much later date, the writing consistent with that from the previous entry*
"Mother is with the gods now, or at least that's what father says. He said we can't live here anymore, and he started selling our things. I haven't stopped crying since father told me she passed away. I guess after I finish this I'll start to pick my favorite things, though I will definitely take this book. I need it so I can remember everything when I'm older."
*The following entry seems to be from a few hours after the previous was written*
"I've picked my favourite things out and put them in middle of the floor. Father told me to put them back and just remember what I want to take, but I don't want to live here now, I want to leave as soon as I can."
*Some drawings fill the next few pages, they appear to show a road leading over the hills and into the horizon.*
"Father and me left the house behind. We sold almost everything and just started walking. We've walked for a few days now and my legs are so sore I want to cry when I stop. We walk in the sunlight and rain but stay in a tent father bought or in an inn when we pass one during the nights. Father seems to carry the most, I just carry some money that father says is too small to worry about and the things I picked out to keep."
*The next page appears to have fallen out due to the weak bind*
"We're finally at the ocean. It's bigger then I ever imagined it would be; It just stretches to the horizon. We're staying in a tavern tonight that smells horrible and the downstairs is full of men that reek of rum and ale. For now father went to look around a shop behind me whilst I sit here and write this."
*A small drawing of a shell is attached to the page, it appears to have been drawn on a lighter paper then that of the book or other notes*
"We're in the tavern room now. I can't sleep because of all the shouting and singing downstairs. The moon and sea look beautiful outside of the window. I can see some of the ships lanterns in the bay. I can't wait until we get on our boat to find adventure."
*A large section is missing, with only one page still in place and legible*
"The storm finally stopped. I can't believe it followed us all the way from the tavern. Father told me that the captain promised clear skies for the rest of the journey, though father always seem tired when he finishes working. I don't know why he's working on the ship anyway, with all the money he has I thought we would have just bought our passage."

~ This is all for now. I know it isn't finished and I plan to write more later.

~Here's that easy listening I promised.