Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Elle Monia


Legend of Altera

Name: Elle Monia
Nickname(s): -
Title(s): -
Age: 15
How old do they appear? 14-15
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Birth Date: Unknown
Birth Weight: Unknown
Birth Length: Unknown
First Words: Unknown, but she remembers saying 'Yes' a lot when she was younger
Sexuality: Undecided
Religion: Sallana
Spoken Languages:
-Common - Fluent
Relationship Status: Is not with anyone, as she has not yet found someone who understands her

Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: An island way south of the Northern Kingdoms
Current Location: Wandering, she travels the northern kingdoms in search of a home
Cities Lived In: -

Height: 5'1", not having grown to her full height yet
Weight: "Well... that is quite a personal question..." She is easy to pick up, being underweight for her age
Build of body: She is quite thin, her legs having most of her muscle
Face Shape: Oval-like
Skin Tone: Fair
Skin Color: Very pale white
Eye color: Light green
Ears: Her ears are quite small
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Length: Very hard to tell, when it is curly it goes to the middle of her back
Hair Style: Always keeps it down, very rarely putting it up
Dominant Hand: Left Hand
Hands size: She has quite small hands, and always has since she was little
Scars: -
Who does she take after (mother or father): She takes more after her father
Scent: She smells quite clean most often
Posture: She has very good posture

Colors worn the most: Green, White, Black
Typical Clothing: She often wears a green and white dress, and over that she has a green cloak on, covering her whole body

Most Common Mood: Cheerful, Curious
Alignment: Neutral Good
MBTI Personality Type: ENFP
Personality keywords: Cheerful, Curious, Listener
Nervous tics: She taps her foot a lot when she is nervous
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
Daredevil or Cautious: It depends on the situation
Logical or Emotional: Emotional
Working or Relaxing: Relaxing
Introvert or extrovert: Ambivert
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat: It depends
Most at ease when: She is with children
General sociability: Overall, good

Physical Characteristics
Arm strength: Terrible
Leg Strength: Great, she walks almost everywhere
Balanced or clumsy: Clumsy
Energy Level: Good
Reflexes: Has decent reflexes

Intellectual Characteristics
Intelligence Level: Has decent intelligence
Manner of writing: Is alright with writing, knows the basics
Musical Instruments: -

Cold/hot weather: Is fine with both
Likes: Children, Love, Laughter, Nature
Most prized possession: -

Favorite Color: Yellow
Least Favorite Color: Red

Home: Wanderer
Transportation: Walking/Running, Boats, Horses
Favorite mode of transportation: Walking
Pets: -
Living Arrangements: -

Vocal Characteristics
Describe her laugh: Very high and light
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Legend of Altera

Lady in The Quays - "Seems like an intresting woman, she is near my age, though..."
Snerus - "Interesting man, he seems nice enough."
Ben - "Very... outgoing. I hope to see him again."
Vaziel Varix - "Very strange and scary man, but he seems well known... I will see about him..."
Lionfang - "Quiet girl... I wonder where her parents are..."
Unsure Of:

Tags: Raphael_Payne Snerus Deathmoron RexJen Bakaling
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