Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Episode 8

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King of the north!
amazingly not much was cut from that one, we usually do an hour - an hour and a half of recording then it gets edited alot (we muck around too much :p) but this one went pretty well and as far as i can remember, nothing major was removed. Think we all behaved whilst cherbert was around :p

But seriously, it was a good one to record and I hope you guys enjoy the amount of information in it and understand a bit more about the server, its owner and the admin team


Cobblestone King
Entertaining and educational as well. Thank you for the many insights given by the podcast. It was awesome. :D


Lord of Altera
i have yet to be in a podcast... :confused: though i cant be in one until i get my original TS back (internet got moved to living room)
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