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Active Estella Hal'Natrizi'ma Ulamyar / Local Inspiring Knight


Official Alteran
Estella Hal'Natrizi'ma Ulamyar
"Mom, Dad.. I did it. We don't have to be afraid of Branko or Rogal anymore. I can protect us."
Generic Information
Name: Estella Hal'Natrizi'ma Ulamyar
Nicknames: Candy Goblin - By Andrew,
Full Titles: Princess Of Grakanant and Ralidor, Mockingbay's Squire

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Caparii
Culture: She doesn't go by a certain culture, being raised by a Moor and a Silver along wit doing her wn Caparii traditions behind their backs.

Social Status: Royalty (Rejects it)
Profession: Guard
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Martial Status: N/A
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 160 lbs

Ethics and motivation
Personality: Estella is raised to be very stoic by her parents. Along with being forced to become such even for her 'young' age. Her own kind age much faster than elves. Which upsets her due to this, she loves her parents of course but Estella is terrified that her dad is going to do something that he can't get back. Estella is learning how to be happier once getting out of the Ashlands and Ralidor due to the guard captains promise to keep her safe including her parents 'banishing' Estella at a young age from Storms Landing. She just hopes Rogal doesn't find out she exists as she is there. There is a lot of things she is currently figuring out. Estella is inspired by her family to be better due to their actions.

Religious Values: Valiant.
Alignment: Lawful neutral

{ Short-Term Goals }

╢Get a pet dog.
╢ Get past her fear of large body's of water

{ Long-Term Goals }

╢Figure out who is her adopted family.
╢Become Mockingbays Knight
╢Protect her little brother.

{ Completed }

╢Join a guard force.
╢ Getting a home to escape to with Xhaal
╢ Finding a escape out of the Ashlands
╢Find someone to teach her about Valiant.
╢Becoming a Squire.
╢Took the first step to get past her fear.
╢Be Blessed by Valiant.
{ Failed }

╢Find someone to teach her about Ignis
╢Protect Grakanant and get her family out of Cor Votum


[X] Sydri Ulamyar - I promise I'll follow my dreams and become better, mom. I hope I am making you and dad proud as I am out doing stuff. Please if our paths cross don't reject me and fight with me. I know there is cases with you being a doctor of you doing this. I love you and you will forever be my mom, whatever demon has your soul I'll try to help you fill your contract so you can be with me in the afterlife when we die. That's my promise to you. I'll figure it out even if you won't tell me.

[X] Xhaal - Please, don't follow in dads footsteps. I got a place set up for us to hide. I don't know what is going on, We'll figure it out as time goes on. Just please be better! Maybe one day you could be the first scion to be blessed? No matter where we run we can do great things. I'll become your shield once you are ready to take dads place in the years to come with Grakanant. The sky is the limit or you could become a doctor to heal people or write books about magic to explain things to people. Do keep in mind that I love you! I will always protect you!

[X] Vowrawn - Dad... How can I tell you your actions are scaring me and some of our people. I question why you gave me that Assasin dagger. What are you hiding from us? I wish that we were closer and Ashna didn't harm you. One of these days I'll try to talk things out as a mutual party so we can trade with them. Even if I have to be the master of the tongues in our area. We can heal the ashlands and protect people. Just like what I admired about you when I was younger. Just because you're not 'blessed' doesn't mean you're not blessed by who is around you! Once I'm a master smith I'll make us beatiful jewerly so we can have something to keep close to our hearts as we are far apart.

[X] Elis Valdisson - He was there for Estella when she was going through a lot. Including her being able to talk about her issues. Instead of peer pressuring her. He remained patient and allowed her to go as fast or as slow as she wishes. It is extremely valueable to Estella, as she is happy he accepted her asking him out to go on a date. Estella doesn't know what will happen in her life, but everything will be okay if she has Elis Valdisson's support in her endeavors treating her normal no matter what happens and someone to gossip to.

[X] Aster - Will we go out and defeat monsters and demons together? Just like we promised each other as we were young. I'm glad for our friendship, even if we're far apart. Let's kick ass when we grow up. You got demons and that spirit thing right? I'm glad I didn't go to Aleksei or anyone around to become blessed by Ignis. So that is good news, I'm now going to quicker of becoming blessed by Valiant. I hope you're happy for me wherever you are as I wait to figure out issues. One day we will fight side by side I hope.

[X] Andrew - Thank you for finally teaching me. I got some basic things set up to protect my little brother and myself. Please keep me safe from Vowrawn as I will get ready for what is about to happen. I do believe it'll be big. I am sorry for not smiling as much, but I was giving up hope. I didn't suspect anyone to help me up due to what my family is doing. Let me know if I can help you with whatever is happening. You seem to be getting hurt a lot? I'll try to talk to Valtae for you soon so she can fix you up.
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