Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Exodus] Calling all adventurers !

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Greetings all you travelers and explorers. We are in dire need of your assistance !

The High Kings have worked together to shape a new Altera. The groundwork has been laid, but we require all your help in exploring this new world and discovering what lies beyond. Just hop through the portal, grab yourself a boat and head on out! Be careful though, monsters lurk.. and you might die from starvation !

The world is on the main server now, you can acces it through a Portal in Port Silver:

  • We are now in Phase Two. (Phases: )
  • This means you cannot build or place things. This is for a very good reason, and that's that we can't have people chopping all the beautiful custom forests and mountains. Use the wilds and eden for your resources ;)
  • The world is not generated yet, so as you explore the chunks generate and the dynamic map updates.
  • Because of this, we will experience lag spikes as chunks are generated. It sucks, but that's how it works ;)
  • Do not use flymod to fly fast over chunks, it will lag. If we catch anyone zooming around the map we will take action !
  • You can use flymod to reach otherwise unreachable places however.
  • This generator is not perfect. Especially mountains, while often epic, will sometimes generate some funky looking terrain. This will be fixed by us. If you want to help, post on this thread any funky terrain that you find:
  • Have fun, explore, find cool locations, plot your new projects and towns! :) If you take screenshots that you want to share, use this thread:
Why are we doing it like this? Because I need to make sure this map works and get rid of some bugs if they appear. :)


The Lunarch
Also, I don't know why you'd want to fly over the terrain, walking through it allows you to take in and appreciate all of the hard work that has gone into delivering this wonderful new world! :D


Legend of Altera
I can't get onto the server while I'm in school! Connection is not strong enough or something, now I can not wait to get home!!


The Arbiter of the Gods
*Rageragerageragerage* Why?!?!?!?! y u no let us play the exodus without the whitelist!! :C


Update: The world is done rendering. It is now up and running on the main server! You can get to it through the big portal in Port Silver.
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