Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Explain your RP character in one word!


Hi, I'm Scardrac... you may know me as Scardrac in RP and in OOC as it is my username. I created this thread to better understand the vast amount of people and their roleplays. In this thread I would like people to describe their RP character in one word, and why you picked it! And, with the many other posts and complaints... I wouldn't like a million "Badasses" Because they are all powerful, this is your chance to be creative!

I'll go first.

My RP character Scardrac can be defined in one word, BRUTAL.

Scardrac, when in a fight, is extrmely talking brutal, and bloody and violent. Even ask the ones I RP with!


Lord of Altera
Kenina in one word would be "Misunderstood." As many people judge her by first appearances, not many know her true self.


King ForumStalker
fish mammal

Really though the actual word for Itzza would be:


When ever anyone starts prying into his or others lives or puts him or others in danger, he'll aggresively retaliate regardless of that persons intentions, making him quite a reclusive person.