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Faris Daeron's character profile


Character Chart
Character’s full name: Faris Daeron
Reason or meaning of name: He's a silver elf and it's an elven name
Character’s nickname: Currently none
Reason for nickname: N/A
Birth date: Winterfeast 1st., 2225

Physical appearance
Gender: Male
Race: Silver Elf
Age: 35
How old does he/she appear: Around early 20s
Weight: 110 lbs.
Height: 5'11"
Body build: Really scrawny. Tall, yet not muscular at all
Shape of face: High cheekbones, long chin, and long ears
Eye color: blue
Glasses or type of aid for the eyes: None
Skin tone: Pale (almost snow white)
Distinguishing marks: His very white skin.
Predominant features: He wears a blue robe that he wears around in public.
Hair color: Blonde
Type of hair: Longish.
Hairstyle: Down to the shoulders, but it doesn't spread out too far.
Voice: British sounding
Overall attractiveness: Not attractive to girls looking for a visually looking strong man, but is slightly attractive to other low class silver elves.
Physical disabilities: Very weak and can't endure a lot of physical activity.
Usual fashion of dress: Robes
Favorite outfit: His blue robe
Jewelry or accessories: Used to have a hoodie until someone said it looked ugly on him. This made him mad and he has to try his best not to get sunburnt now.

Good personality traits: Very polite to others, Will keep his cool, even towards moor elves, which he hates, and he's very eager to learn.
Bad personality traits: Generally racist (though he doesn't show it often.), gets a lot of anxiety, and tends to think of himself as superior sometimes.
Mood character is most often in: Happy.
Sense of humor: Will make the occasional joke that'll make you slightly chuckle, but other than that, he's pretty boring.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Learning new recipes to potions and consumables.
Character’s greatest fear: Anything that ruins his looks.
Why?: He wants to be a 'pure' silver elf and to do that, he can't can't have any marks, bruises, tans, etc. on him.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Either a rise of moor elves and earthspawn, or the art of alchemy dying.
Character is most at ease when: He's reading a book and drinking some warm tea.
Most ill at ease when: He notices an 'impurity' on him.
Enraged when: Takes a lot for him to show his anger, but if you insult him enough (if it's not constructive criticism), he could finally blow.
Depressed or sad when: A really close friend dies or he lives in isolation
Priorities: To study the art of alchemy and herbology
Life philosophy: He believes in logic and reasoning.
If granted one wish, it would be: To be the master of alchemy
Why?: It's his life goal and he wants to live his life as an alchemist.
Character’s soft spot: He will show politeness and is apologetic if he makes a mistake.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?:Yes, but to moor elves, not as obvious as he may not bully them around and physically harass them, but will seem annoyed around them and will lose his cool if they annoy him enough.
Greatest strength: The ability to learn things quickly.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: He is not a good fighter so he will likely lose fights. He can also easily get drunk as he is very lightweight.
Biggest regret: That he didn't start his studies at a younger age.
Minor regret: That he was to shy to ask out his silver elf crush when he was 14 years old.
Biggest accomplishment: Passes his final exam from his tutor.
Minor accomplishment: Taking second place in a singing competition in his town when he was 26 years old.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Failing to ask out his crush when he was 14.
Why?: It makes him feel embarrassed.
Character’s darkest secret: He longs for the death of all moor elves.
Does anyone else know?: He hasn't told anybody, but they may know based on the mannerisms he shows around them.

Drives and motivations: His motivation is superiority and prestige.
Immediate goals: To be part of the alchemy guild.
Long term goals: To be the best alchemist in the Northern Kingdoms.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: By studying hard and being taught by others.
How other characters will be affected: It will help merchants because he will sell potions and buy raw ingredients from them. (Event though he normally harvests his own ingredients.). It will be bad for famous politicians because the poisons he sells to people could be used for assassinations.

Hometown: I haven't thought about what town he lived in his childhood.
Type of childhood: He was taken well care of, but his childhood was boring.
Pets: None.
First memory: When he was two years old and he went to his first tutor session.
Most important childhood memory: When he was twenty nine and he passed the final exam created by his tutor.
Why?: It's what inspired him to take his life towards other mental activities like alchemy.
Childhood hero: The human servants that would work at their farm and bring him food everyday. He thought it was great that someone would go through toil and labor for his needs.
Dream job: He used to want be a singer, but he decided to be an alchemist later in life.
Education: He learned a lot, but didn't really care about education until near the end of his childhood.
Religion: He focuses on secular things rather than religious things, but if he like one god the most, it would be Silas.
Finances: In the silver elf standards of living, he would be considered poor, but his family was wealthy enough to at least have servants and be considered middle class upon the other races.

Current location: Thiil
Currently living with: In a tavern until he joins the alchemy guild
Pets: None
Religion: He focuses on secular things rather than religious things, but if he like one god the most, it would be Silas.
Occupation: He is going to be an alchemist when he joins the alchemy guild.
Finances: 320 rads. Pretty poor at the moment, but he's never had a reason to spend money yet.

Mother: Lumin Daeron
Relationship with her: Pretty stable. Didn't interact socially too much in his childhood, but she still took care of him.
Father: Remi Daeron
Relationship with him: Same as his mother except his father was a little more strict for Faris's own discipline.
Siblings: None
Relationship with them: N/A
Spouse: None at the moment
Relationship with him/her: N/A
Children: None at the moment
Relationship with them:N/A
Other important family members: All his Grandparents and even some of his great grandparents are still alive. Faris doesn't meet them much though. The oldest family member is 268 years old.

Color: White
Least favorite color: black
Music: Any song with good singing melody in it.
Food: Vegetables or seafood.
Literature: Books on alchemy
Form of entertainment: Will read fiction books sometimes.
Mode of transportation: Usually walks
Most prized possession: His blue robe that he's had for 10 years.

Hobbies: Singing for fun or reading books.
Plays a musical instrument?: No, but he has a good singing voice.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Inside. If he's outside, he try to do his outdoor business very quickly and then wipe himself off as he's afraid it'll ruin his face.
Spending habits: He will spend money on alchemy books or sometimes raw ingredients.
Smokes: No. It gives him a sense of impurity and will even try to stay away from other smokers.
Drinks: On special occasions and when he does, it's a very small amount. It doesn't take much to get him drunk.
Other drugs: He'll drink potions, but other than that, no.
What does he/she do too much of?: He does too much sitting and reading.
What does he/she do too little of?: He does too little exercise.
Extremely skilled at: Learning very quickly and will later be very skilled at alchemy.
Extremely unskilled at: Fighting and athletics.
Nervous tics: Starts sweating and will breathe quickly.
Usual body posture: Upright. Tries not to bend unless he's tired.
Mannerisms: He will use very polite words and if he ever criticizes it will almost always be constructive (moor elves are an exception).
Peculiarities: He will normally cringe or sometimes even gag when he eats something that's not vegetables or seafood.

Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist, but he will act towards the pessimist side if he's around moor elves.
Introvert or extrovert?: extrovert
Daredevil or cautious?: cautious
Logical or emotional?: logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: neat
Prefers working or relaxing?: relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: confident
Animal lover?: Not really, but he doesn't hate them either.

How he/she feels about himself/herself: He feels superior.
One word the character would use to describe self: superior
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: I'm great at the art of alchemy. I take advice from other races, but I still think I was born naturally superior to them. I can learn things quickly. I'm also a great singer.
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: His intellect.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: Being annoying sometimes.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: His tall skinny appearance.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?:His blonde hair and blue eyes as usually, only low class elves have those.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: He thinks they perceive him as intelligent.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: He wants to change his hair and eye color.

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Striving to learn. Quite inactive though.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Sometimes.
Person character most hates: Just moor elves in general.
Best friend(s): Daeron Phaerousus
Love interest(s): Not really into love, but will most likely love a silver elf if he does find love.
Person character goes to for advice:Daeron Phaedrus or Athyl mihntail once Faris Daeron joins the alchemy guild.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: No one at the moment
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Arecena (he doesn't know it's her name) because the one time he talked to her, he sounded like a madman as he was trying to report someone for robbing a tea store and she thought he was crazy.
Person character openly admires: No one
Person character secretly admires:No one
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: His tutor or his human servants.
After story starts: Daeron Phaedrus.
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Legend of Altera
I linked you, among at least half of the lore pages and a few users, on my character's profile. Also, could you correct the spelling of my name? Thank you!