Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Fayette SilverHand. A young one.


I think I might like it here
Name:Fayette SilverHand
Nickname/Alias:Faye,or Little Sister
Age:91 (youngest of the family)
Weight:112 lbs. She is a some what Tall,but a skinny girl.
Hair: Dark Brown colored Hair.Straight but Curled at ends.She just lets her hair go freely.Her hair is very long,for she has lived for many years and has never cut it.
Eyes:Her eyes are a Amber/Orange color.Though she has a small pinch of a yellowish green color in her eyes.
Skin: Pale,white skin.
Identifying Marks:She once got to close to a angered wolf,and got bitten on the arm.Leaving a scar behind after it healed.
Appearance:She has a sleek body,being able to fit in tight spaces and hide.She also likes to stay away from people she does not know,But she somtimes get a feeling that she can trust the person.
Strengths:She is a fast learner,and she loves to breathe in every word from a person and there storys.She is intelligent,figuring out most challenging problems.She also has a connection with nature,and life around her.She is also very Athletic she is a great climber and runner.She also likes to go 'the hard way' around things.
Weaknesses and fears:She is afraid of people dieing infront of her,and others trying to destroy life itself.She also is a horrible swimmer,and she denys to even lay a hand in it.Being shy does not help at all,she has trouble knowing alot of residents,and passers.
Religion and cults:She follows the Godesses of Nature,night,and light.
Apprentice of The healer Sal Kai Dreamer.


Log 1:The Redstone

"Faye,Kai,Beard!" Asirel yelled from the top of the tower she and Dark lived in. "come check this out!" of course they all came running up stairs to see what Asirel was all excited about.
As they found there way up and followed Asirel's gaze.They saw RedStone follow around the center fencing."what is it.." Kai crossed his arms and glared at the glowing red dust."I think it summons Beast..." Beard replyed walking along the small stream of the redstone,"let me take out some.." he reached for redstone to wipe away from the outlining redstone but was stopped by faye. "dont touch it..." she whispered "you dont know what it could do" she let go of his arm seein if any of the redstone was disturbed."its ok" beard told her "if i move some of it would summon something.." he reached down to slide away some of the redstone.Soon a Beast was summoned,it held a golden sword,and half of its body was rotting.Faye moved her ears as the beast spoke,no one could communicate with the beast but her.She had the talent to speak to all living things."yes,master" the beast grunted holding his sword high walking around the room."it does summon beast,but not only one bu-...." beard was stopped by kai "an army" they watched the beast.Faye followed the beast trying to talk."why are you here?" she asked the beast "i was sent here for Dark" she paused and repeated what he said to the others."sent here to get him?" Asirel asked the beast,faye listened and it said "no,sent here to obey him" Faye looked worried she turned to the others and repeated the beasts words."well,he has no need anymore!" kai exclaimed slaying the beast dead...leaving behind the body and a golden nugget.Faye picked up the nugget examining it carfully,she slid it into her bag."you will be remembered strong one" she said after putting it in her bag."well if you guys see dark tell me who he is with" Asirel said putting her hand on her hips. "And Faye,you need to stay away from Dark..." Kai said with a soft voice."Why?" she asked crossing her arms."hes not safe.." kai said looking out the glass roof,she knew he was not saying everything and by the looks on everyone's faces they knew too.She needed to find out why they were worried about her. "oh going to PortSilver!" she yelled running down the stairs leaving the others behind,she needed to find dark and find out.Harathendel is in danger,her friends are in danger,her family is indanger.